Additions to the List of Paicines Birds
Additions to the List of Paicines Birds.
Since our list was published in THE CONDOR (III, No. 5) my brother and I have noted the following in that locality: gadwall (Anas strepera), two immature males captured; hooded merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus), a pair shot but not recovered; rusty song sparrow (melospiza m. guttata), one specimen taken Dec. 8. Besides these a female hybrid was taken which seems to be a cross between a mallard and a cinnamon teal. This specimen's markings, color of bill and feet correspond very closely with those of the female mallard, while its size approaches that of the cinnamon teal. Hybrids are often found and are most probably the offspring of birds that have been crippled the year before, but seldom are they of such violent crosses.
San Geronimo, Cal.