Individual Aid in the Welfare of the Club
Individual Aid in the Welfare of the Club.
The opening editorial in the September CONDOR deals fittingly with the many disadvantages under which the Cooper Club labors owing to the Clubs ’ membership being scattered over so much territory, but “which may in the future be largely remedied” etc. The article is well writttn and forms a rough summary of the general conditions incident to the management of the Cooper Club of today. It also shows that out of a total active membership of 170 or more, a small minority practically constitutes the entire working force and considering this fact the growth of the Glob in the past eight 1 cars from four members to its present size, reflects greatly on the minority. Besides this thongh, a heavy percentage (If the original reading matter found in THE CONDOR comes from the pens of this same minority gratuitously. This latter is nnt mentioned in the editorial quoted, but any one can assure himself of the truth of it by looking over the pas:: numbers of THE CONDOR.
So much for the enviable showing made by those members constituting the minority. Now about the remaining members, composing the majority, not that I care to make invidious comparisons, but because due consideration of the sybject should prove of value to any memher. X11 of us are interested to a greater or less degree in the study of birds, although some are undoubtedly to3 busy in other paths of life to do much more than welcome the advent of THE CONDOR 011 alternate months. Some few are beginners, and the insecurity of their foothold in the study prevents them at present from taking an active part in the work of the Club.
A great many keep records or casual notes of one kind or another on the bird life around them, and some elaborate theirs no doubt, illto series of notes, complete as far as possible on some more note-worthy species or groups of species. In this way in the course of a year or so, considerable amount of material is jotted down, most of it of value to the writer or he would not bother about it. The greater part of it consists of little facts or incidents pertinent to bird history aud while of value to the individual, it would prove equally as interesting to the Club-at-large. Probably a large share of these notes or records are wrilten and R&’ by Club members who, though t)o far removed from headquarters to take an active part in the transaction of routine business, are still, in every sense of the word, active field workers. Many of them live in the more remote corners of the state and for that Very reason what ornithological work they do is possessed of a greater value, for they are resident observers in localities where other members can ar the best pay only strays visits of a few weeks duration.
But for all that we rarely hear from them either in the regular Club meetings or through the pages of THE CONDOR and the question is where does all that good material go to? In conclusion, the acknowledged object of the Club is the highest advancement of the science of ornithology in California, and it should also be the altn of every one of its memhers to aid as far as possible in the mutual advancement of all the members, rather than the self-advancement of individual members.
JOHN J. WILLIAMS. Applegate, Cal.