Curious Nest of Anna's Hummingbird
Curious Nest of Anna’s Hummingbird.
On Feb. 23 I collected a nest of Anna’s Hummingbird (Calypte anna) 60 feet up in the very top of a tall gum tree. The hummingbird had used one side of an old goldfinch’s nest, and there she had a soft nest of feathers. This bird evidently had an eye for business, as the goldfinch’s nest, cosy in itself only required a little lining. Unfortunately the one egg which the nest contained was broken in getting it down; the nest I regard as a “freak,” as I have never heard of a hummingbird using any old nest except its own. On April 5 a friend bronght me two eggs of the Killdeer (Aegialitis vocifera) taken in the middle of a railroad track, directly between the ties. This track is the main one on the Santa Fe between Santa Monica and Los Angeles and at this place runs through the Ballona swamp.
Santa Monica, Cal.