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Official Minutes of Southern Division

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3 (May-June)
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Official Minutes of Southern Division.


The regnlar monthly meeting was held Feb. 27 at the residence of Frank S. Daggett at Pasadena. Ten members were present, with Dr. F. Grinnell as a visitor. The president announced the following persons as members of the Biro Protection Committee from this Division: C. A. M-oody, Dr. Garrett Newkirk, {oth Reynolds, Geo. S. Chambliss, Dr. G. V. ·.~ffin, Miss Mollie Bryan, Mrs.]. E. Pleasants, rs. A. C. Wilson, Evan Davis, Edw. Sim' ns, ]. Eugene Law, B. W. Hahn, H.]. Le- 1&. i, Lee Chambers and A. M. Ingersoll. '.1'he name ofW. Scott Way of Cucamonga, ~1. was proposed for active membership. On otion the president was authorized to voice e sentiments of the meeting with respect to uproving the present cover of THE CoNDOR, 'and to communicate with the Northern Division in this regard. A paper entitled "Two Amusing Incidents" was read by A. I. McCormick. After discussion the meeting adjourned.


The regular meeting was held March JO at the residence of B. W. Hahn in Pasadena, President Daggett presiding and nine members present. Miss Moody was present as a visitor. W. Scott Way of Cucamonga was elected to active membership in the Club. The names of A.M. Jamison of Santa Monica and Dr.]. H. McBride ofPasadena were proposed for membership. A communication from the Northern Division relative to contemplated incorporation of the Club was discussed and Messrs. Hahn, Moody, Conant, -Daggett and McCormick were appointed a committee to represent the Sonthern Division.

Geo S. Chambliss of Altadena, through Mr. Daggett, tendered the Division the use of a number of valuable works on ornithology provided a proper custodian be appointed. Upon motion the offer was accepted and the th~nks of the Division ordered extended Mr. Chambliss, together with the request that he select a permanent custorlian to carry out his wishes. Mrs. C. A. Moody read a very interesting paper entitled 'Bird Notes', being observations of bird-life gleaned about her home in Los Angeles. Two papers from the Northern Division were read, and after a repast, the meeting adjourned.

A. I. McCORMICK, Secretary pro tem.


The April meeting was held at the residence : of F. S. Daggett, Pasadena. President Daggett , called the meeting to order, with seven · members present. Mr.]. E. Pleasants and Fordyce' Grinnell were present as guests.

In absence of the Secretary, H. S. Swarth, acted as Secretary ,pro tern. A. M. Jamison of Santa Monica and Dr. J. H. McBride of Pasa- ' dena were elected to .active membership, and' the names of Henry Gray, Rialto, Cal., Nelson Carpenter, Escondido, Cal., R. C. Wueste, sth and Brook street, San Diego, Cal. and A. Stert, 578 N. Marengo Ave., Pasadena were proposed by Mr. Daggett, to be acted upon at the next meeting.

Mr. Daggett exhibited skins of Barlow's Chickadee and the Point Pinos Junco, and interesting discussion followed. After partaking of light refreshments the meeting adjourned, to meet next month at the residence of Burnell Franklin, South Pasadena.

H. S. SWARTH, Secretary pro tem.

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