Official Minutes of Southern Division
Official Minutes of Southern Division. NOVEMBER. The Southern Division met on November 30 at the studio of Mr. Reynolds in Los Angeles, President McCormick presiding, with ten members present. Mrs. A. C. Wilson of North Cucamonga, Mrs. J. E. Pleasants of Santa Ana and Mr. E. D. Treadwell of Santa Monica were elected to active membership. The death of A. L. Lapham. a member of the Division, was reported, and the secretary was instructed to procure particulars. It was arranged to hold the annual meeting and banquet on Friday evening, January 4, 1901 at the home of Frank S. Daggett. A committee of two, Messrs. Daggett and Robertson were appointed to make necessary arrangements. The following officers were nominated for 1901: President, F. S. Daggett; Vice President, H. J. Leland; Secretary and Associate Editor, Howard Robertson: Treasurer and Business Manager, H. S. Swarth. A motion reviving the Life History Committee and providing for the appointment of five members was carried, the appointments to be made at the next meeting. Adjourned.