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Notes from Los Angeles Co., California

H. S. Swarth
1 (January-February)
Echoes from the Field
Online Text

Notes from Los Angeles Go., Gal. Uria troile californica. On Nov. 3, 1900 in a box of birds in the flesh, sent me by Mr. Lee Chambers from Santa Monica, I found a California Murre ♀. The bird had been found dying on the beach and was in a greatly emaciated condition. I believe that this is an addition to our county list as I can find no record of its occurrence here. Coccothraustes v. montanus. On Oct. 21, 1900 I saw an Evening Grosbeak in the Arroyo Seco Canyon, but failed to secure it. On Dec. 7 on Mt. Wilson I heard the loud call note of one, but did not even see the bird. On Dec. 13 I heard the same note in the wash issuing from the Arroyo Seco Canyon, and was fortunate enough to secure the bird, an adult female. Junco hyemalis. I shot a male Slate-colored Junco on Mt. Wilson, Dec. 6, Igoo. Another, also a male, was seen the day before; both were observed in flocks of J.h thurberi Helmintlzophila celata. Three warblers that I have shot at Los Angeles (♁ Sept. 17,1900. ♀ Oct. 30, 1899; ♀ Oct. 8, 1896) have been identified by Mr. Ridgway as belonging to this species. I have seen specimens of this bird every fall in the vicinity of Los Angeles, usually in company with H. c. lutescens, from which its grayish head renders it readily distinguishable. Ammodramus sandwichensis bryanti, An Ammodramus shot by me at San Pedro Dec. ro, 1899, bas been identified as Bryant's Marsh Sparrow by Mr. Ridgway. I have one or two others taken about the same time, apparently similar, so it may be found to be of regular occurrence here in the winter, though not recorded before.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 H. S. SWARTH, Los Angeles, Cal.

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