Official Minutes of Southern Division
Official Minutes of Southern Division.
The Division met May 31 at the residence of F. S. Daggett. In the absence of the president and secretary, Mr. Daggett presided and Mr. C. A. Moodv acted as secretary pro tem. Mr. Rising exhibited an egg of the California Vulture taken in the Santa Monica Mts. recently. A paper by John J. Williams of the Northern Division was read. It was voted that a committee of two be appointed to draw up and secure the passage, if possible, of an ordinance prohibiting the destruction of birds or their nests within the city limits of Pasadena. Also to devise methods of stirring up public sentiment through the press, public schools and elsewhere in this direction. Rev. F. Reiser rendered Mr. Lyman Belding's recent productions, “Songs of the Meadowlark” and “Thrush Songs of the Sierra ” in a delightful manner upon the piano. The usual discussion and refreshments followed.
The regular meeting of the Division was held June 29 at the studio of Roth Reynolds in Los Angeles, with Mr. McCormick in the chair and Lee Chambers acting as secretary pro tem. Eight members were present, with Dr. Corwin as a visitor. Mr. J. Eugene Law of Pomona was elected to active membership in the Club. The name of Mr. A. I. Lapham was proposed for membership to be acted upon one month hence . An interesting discussion of the museum question was had, Mr. Hahn, one of the committee, reporting. Mr. Reynolds followed on the same question and offered his studio as a Club museum.
Secretary pro tem.