Notes from San Luis Obispo County, California
Notes From San Luis Obispo County, Cal.
On January 15 a man from the country brought me a cormorant which I took to be the Farallone, (Phalacrocorax dilophus ulbociliatus). He said he had killed it the night before, while it was sitting on the windmill. The bird had “held down” the windmill the whole afternoon, sitting on the gear, the mill being tied down. The bird was in good condition, so it must have lost its bearings in the night as the place where it was killed is about forty-five miles from the ocean in a direct westerlv line. The measurements were as follows: Length, 35:37 inches; bill along gape, 4.10; extent, 54.83; wing, 13.50; tail, 6.75. Bill bluish black on the top: pouch, yellow.
On January 22, I saw a flock of six Mountain Bluebirds (Sialia arctica) which is more than I have ever seen together here before.
Have seen quite a number of Mockingbirds (Mimus polyglottos) this winter. Two years ago I saw but one pair but as nobody molested them they nested and last year I saw three pairs, and hope that they will increase, for about the only birds who sing constantly around town are the House Finches and Bullock’s Orioles.
All the birds are laying early this year. Mr. E. B. Ballard of Creston took a set of two Golden Eagle on Feb. 15 and another set of two of the same species on the 16th of the same month.
Obtained a set of three California Screech Owl, heavily incubated, on the 15th of March.
Paso Robles, Cal.