Official Minutes of Northern Division
Official Minutes of Northern Division.
The Division met at the home of W. Otto Emerson at Haywards, March 3, President Emerson in the chair. The following members were elected to active membership: Chas. A. Nate of Santa Clara; F. H. Skinner of San Jose : Lloyd T. Stenhenson. Vinton, and Chas. S. Thompson, Stanford University. The names of John J. Williams of Applegate, Placer Co., and E. A. Goldman of Delano were proposed for membership. Donald A. Cohen and Senator E. K. Taylor were appointed a committee to draft resolutions favoring the preservation of the Big Trees bv the Division, and to forward same to Washington. Mr. Grinnell of the Southern Division was present and outlined the work accomplished by him in the Kotzebue Sound region last year, and which will be published as a memoir by the Club during 1900. Two papers were read : “Bird Friends Condemned Without a Trial” by John J. Williams, and “A Night on Land” by A. W. Anthony. Adjourned to meet at Palo Alto May 5.