Nesting of the California Cuckoo in Los Angeles Co., California
Nesting of the California Cuckoo in Los Angeles Co., Cal.
During the season of 1899 I found three nests of this species (Coccyzus a. occidentalis) in the willows along New River, where some of the birds may always be found during the spring and summer. Set No I was taken June 17, 1899 and contained three fresh aggs. The nest was placed in a very bushy willow seven feet up and composed entirely of willow twigs and leaves, being very frail and flat and of the size of a doves’ nest. Set No. 2 was taken July 2 and contained four badly incubated eggs, the nest being placed on a horizontal limb of a willow, six feet from the ground and similar in construction to the Iast. It would not have held another without an addition being made to the nest. The last set was taken July I9 and contained four eggs, considerably incubated, the nest being similar to the others.
Anaheim, Cal.