Junco Hyemalis at Haywards, California
Junco Hyemalis at Haywards, Cal.
This junco has again been a winter visitant to this part of California. On Nov. 21, I899 while collecting some juncos at dusk from a blue-gum tree in my garden, a male was brought down with several others and proved to be a typical hyemalis. This is the second I have recorded from this locality in twenty years. A female was caught in a trap set for small birds in the garden on March 20, 1880. Some fourteen specimens of this junco have been recorded for the state and no doubt there are others unrecorded. In Mr. Clark P. Streators’ “Birds of British Columbia,” he notes them as being one of the commonest birds in that province. The winter of 1897 seems to have found them unusually common about Pasadena, Cal. as five were taken and several others seen among flocks of other juncos.
Haywards, Cal.