Official Minutes of Southern Division
Official Minutes of Southern Division.
Southern Division met ou Nov. 29, 1899, at the residence of Mr. F. S. Daggett in Pasadena. President McCormick presided. Twelve members were present. Messrs. G. E. Little, Dr. Coffin, F. Grinnell and W. Moody were present as visitors. Mr. Roth Reynolds of Los Angeles was elected to membership. Mr. Grinnell proposed the names of G. E. Little and Dr. Coffin of Whittier for membership. In the matter of a Publication Committee, as proposed by the Northern Division, it was decided to elect three members to serve on such committee. Messrs. Grinnell, Daggett and Robertson were nominated. For the nomination of officers for the ensuing year, on motion of Mr. Grinnell, ‘it was decided to re-nominate the old board of officers which stands. For President, A. I. McCormick; Vice President, F. S. Daggett: Secretary, Howard Robertson; Treasurer, H. S. Swarth: Business Manager, A. I. McCormick; Associate Editor, Howard Robertson.
It was arranged to hold the annual banquet on Dec. 28. Mr. Daggett very kindly offered his residence as a meeting place, which was accepted with thanks. Mr. Grinnell gave two papers, an answer to Mr. McGregor’s “Plea for the General Use of Scientific Names,” and “The Varied Thrush in Summer.” He exhibited eight skins of the Varied Thrush, six adtilts and two juveniles, three nests and a series of forty-four eggs of same species. He also exhibited specimens of Rock and Willow Ptarmigan in both winter and summer plumages, and skins of Golden Plover and Canada Grouse. Dr. Coffin, who was a member of the same party as Mr. Grinnell, related several anecdotes of the trip. The receipt of a paper from the Northern Division was acknowledged but was not read for want of time.
The Annual Meeting of the Southern Division was held Dec. 28, 1899, at the residence of Mr. F. S. Daggett, Pasadena. There were sixteen members present. Messrs. Little, Coffin and Connant were present as visitors. Dr. G. V. Coffin and G. E. Little were elected to membership. Officers for ensuing year were elected as follows: A. I. McCormick, President; F. S. Daggett, Vice President: Howard Robertson, Secretary: H. S. Swarth, Treasurer; Associate Editor, Howard Robertson; Business Manager, A. I. McCormick: Publication Committee, F. S. Daggett, Jos. Grinnell and Howard Robertson. The secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read and copies ordered filed.
The treasurer’s report showed a balance of $12 on hand. The meeting adjourned to the banquet room where several papers were read.