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Some Summer Birds of Palamar Mountains, from the Notes of J. Maurice Hatch

Richard C. Mcgregor
4 (July-August)
Online Text

Some Summer Birds of Palamar Mountains, from the Notes of J. Maurice Hatch.


THIS list of birds, observed by Mr. Hatch on the Palamar Mountains, between June 16 and 21, 1897, has been arranged from notes which he sent me for use in the state list. The mountains have an altitude of 5000 to 6000 feet and are covered with firs, oaks and oedars. Ferns and underbrush of various kinds abound. Numerous small streams of water are present.

  1. Oreortyx pictus plumiferus. Fairly common. A nest found June 19, contained five well incubated eggs.
  2. Lophortyx californica vallicola. Common at western base of the mountains. A female taken June 16 had an egg in the oviduct.
  3. Columba fasciata. About roo birds seen near western base of mountains on June 15.
  4. Zenaidura macroura. Common at western base of mountains. One young in the nest found June r 5.
  5. Pseudogryphus californianus. Breeds. One seen on the 16th and four more two days later.
  6. Cathartes aura. Quite common both at the base and on the summit.
  7. Buteo borealis calurus. One pair seen on the summit.
  8. Falco sparverius deserticolus. Fairly common on the summit of the mountains where it probably breeds.
  9. Melanerpes formicivorous bairdi. Very common at this time of the year. Some young birds and adult males were collected, the latter having the testes very large.
  10. Colaptes cafer. Fairly common summer resident.
  11. Calypte costae. A few pairs seen.
  12. Calypte anna. A few pairs seen.
  13. Myiarchus cinerascens. A few seen. One taken on the 19th.
  14. Contopus richardsonii. Common. Nests from 25 to 50 feet from the ground. Two nests collected contained two and three eggs respectively.
  15. Otocoris alpestris chrysolaema. A few pairs seen on the western slope of the mountains.
  16. Cyanocitta stelleri frontalis. Common. Both young of the year and new nest found.
  17. Corvus americanus. A few seen at west side and 18 five miles east of the summit, feeding on the myriads of grasshoppers that were present.
  18. Sturnella magna neglecta. Common in the mountain meadows.
  19. Icterus cucullatus nelsoni. Common at western base and on the top of the mountains.
  20. Scolecophagus cyanocephalus. A few young of the year seen.
  21. Carpodacus purpureus californicus. Scarce. Very shy and difficult to approach.
  22. Carpodacus mexicanus frontalis. A small flock and a few pairs seen near an orchard. Four fresh eggs taken on the 19th.
  23. Chondestes grammacus strigatus. Fairly common.
  24. Spizella socialis arizonae. A few pairs seen.
  25. Junco hyemalis thurberi. Abundant. Nestlings and new nests observed on the 19th.
  26. Pipilo maculatus megalonyx. Common. Fresh eggs collected.
  27. Zamelodia melanocephala. Fairly common. Young were seen, just able to fly.
  28. Cyanospiza amoena. Common. Probably breeds.
  29. Piranga ludoviciana. Few seen. A male was taken in breeding plumage and with greatly enlarged testes.
  30. Petrochelidon lunifrons. A few pair.
  31. Tachycineta thalassina. Common. Breeding in natural cavity of trees.
  32. Phainopepla nitens. Common at western base of mountains where they were eating alder berries. One nest in course of construction was found.
  33. Vireo gilvus. Common at summit.
  34. Dendroica oestiva. Fairly common.
  35. Troglodytes aedon aztecus. Very abundant, more than twenty nests containing young being observed.
  36. Certhia familiaris occidentalis. Rare.
  37. Sitta carolinensis aculeata. Common.
  38. Parus inornatus. A large flock noted on the mountain side.
  39. Parus gambeli. Common.
  40. Sialia mexicana occidentalis. Common. Set of four eggs taken on the 17th.
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