The Old-Squaw and Fulvous Tree Ducks at Alviso, California
The Old-Squaw and Fulvous Tree Ducks at Alviso, Cal.
During the first week in February of this year I received from Alviso, in this [Santa Clara] county, a specimen of the Long-tailed Duck or Old-Squaw, a female in winter plumage. So far as I know this is the first instance of this species being taken in this county, nor am I aware that it has ever been reported from any point on San Francisco Bay.
I have seen at the house of a friend in San Jose a Fulvous Tree Duck, also taken at Alviso several years ago. I believe that this species has not been recorded from this county before and is, at any rate, a rare visitor here.
F. H. Hourns
Berryessa, Cal., April 15, 1899.