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The Auk, Volume 95, Number 1 (1978)

1 (January)


On Behavior and Nesting of Mcconnell's Flycatcher (Pipromorpha Macconnelli): Does Female Rejection Lead to Male Promiscuity?. 1-8.
Edwin O. Willis, Douglas Wechsler, Yoshika Oniki.
Field Sparrow Reproductive Success and Nesting Ecology. 9-22.
Louis B. Best.
Feeding Territories and Breeding Success of South Polar Skuas. 23-33.
Fritz Trillmich.
Vocal Repertoire of the Black-Capped Chickadee. 34-48.
Millicent S. Ficken, Robert W. Ficken, Steve R. Witkin.
Gila Woodpecker Agonistic Behavior. 49-58.
Gene L. Brenowitz.
Island Colonization by Lesser Antillean Birds. 59-72.
John Terborgh, John Faaborg, H. Jane Brockmann.
Geographic Variation of Yellow Warblers Killed At a Tv Tower. 73-79.
Dennis G. Raveling, Dwain W. Warner.
Falcon Temperature Regulation. 80-84.
James A. Mosher, Clayton M. White.
Geographic Variation in the Hoy" Call of the Bobwhite". 85-94.
Raymond B. Goldstein.
Age-Related Differences in Ruddy Turnstone Foraging and Aggressive Behavior. 95-103.
Sarah Groves.
The Mobility of Breeding Pintails. 104-114.
Scott R. Derrickson.
Bursae, Reproductive Structures, and Scapular Color in Wintering Female Oldsquaws. 115-121.
Steven R. Peterson, Robert S. Ellarson.
Gyrfalcon Nesting Behavior From Hatching to Fledging. 122-127.
M. Alan Jenkins.
Variation in Reproductivity With Age in the Brown Pelican. 128-134.
Lawrence J. Blus, Julie A. Keahey.
The Relationship Between Egg Size and Chick Size in the Laughing Gull and Japanese Quail. 135-144.
Robert E. Ricklefs, D. Caldwell Hahn, William A. Montevecchi.
Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Fall Movements in a Florida Flatwoods Community. 145-151.
Stephen A. Nesbitt, D. Terry Gilbert, D. Bruce Barbour.
Geographical Variation in the Nestling Coloration of Parasitic Cowbirds. 152-160.
Stephen I. Rothstein.
Cowbird Parasitism in the Kansas Tallgrass Prairie. 161-167.
Phillip F. Elliott.
Latitudinal Variation of Postnuptial Molt in Pacific Coast White-Crowned Sparrows. 168-174.
L. Richard Mewaldt, James R. King.
Summer Foods of Sandhill Cranes in Idaho. 175-178.
William H. Mullins, Elwood G. Bizeau.
Brewster and Coues Awards, 1977. 200.
Reviews. 201-216.
Notes and News. 216-218.
Editor's Comments. 219.
Policies on Publication Costs in the Auk. 219.

Short Communications

Prealternate Molt in Nuthatches. 179-181.
Richard C. Banks.
Triphasic Feeding Behavior and the Esophageal Diverticulum in Redpolls. 182-183.
William S. Brooks.
Aggressive Display in the Common Loon. 183-186.
Lynda Rummel, Charles Goetzinger.
Male Pintails Defending Females From Rape. 186-187.
Richard A. Wishart, Richard W. Knapton.
Rape Behavior in Blue-Winged Teal. 188-190.
Robert O. Bailey, Norman R. Seymour, Gary R. Stewart.
A Device for Measuring Egg Volumes. 190-192.
Robert W. Loftin, Ray D. Bowman.
Observations on Behavior and Vocalizations of a Pair of Wild Harpy Eagles. 192-194.
Michael Gochfeld, Michael Kleinbaum, Guy Tudor.
Temperature-Dependent Deduction of Individual Distance in Captive House-Sparrows. 195-196.
Kathleen Grabaskas Beal.
Imprinting of a Ring-Billed Gull. 196-197.
Marcella M. Bishop.
Regulation of Metabolism During Torpor in Temperate" Zone Hummingbirds". 197-199.
F. Reed Hainsworth, Larry L. Wolf.
The Duration of Parental Care in the Common Tody Flycatcher. 199.
F. Haverschmidt.
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