The Auk, Volume 94, Number 2 (1977)
2 (April)
- A New Species of Wood-Wren From Peru. 195-201.
- John W. Fitzpatrick, John W. Terborgh, David E. Willard.
- Reproductive Success of Ospreys in Central Chesapeake Bay. 202-221.
- Jan G. Reese.
- Plumage and Molt in Shorebirds Summering At Enewetak Atoll. 222-230.
- Oscar W. Johnson.
- Early Breeding Season Behavior of Red-Headed Woodpeckers. 231-239.
- Lawrence Kilham.
- Ecological Correlates of Rarity in a Tropical Forest Bird Community. 240-247.
- James R. Karr.
- Salt Water Tolerance and Water Turnover in the Snowy Plover. 248-255.
- James R. Purdue, Howard Haines.
- Sounds of Laysan and Black-Footed Albatrosses. 256-269.
- Donald W. Sparling, Jr.
- Laysan Albatross Breeding Behavior. 270-274.
- Eugene A. Lefebvre.
- Feeding and Digestive Organ Size in Breeding Lesser Snow Geese. 275-282.
- C. D. Ankney.
- Ecological Relationships of Small Antbirds in Amazonian Bird Communities. 283-292.
- David L. Pearson.
- The Cryptic Occipital Spot in the Accipitridae (Falconiformes). 293-303.
- John C. Hafner, Mark S. Hafner.
- Effect of Cowbird Parasitism on American Goldfinch Nesting. 304-307.
- A. L. A. Middleton.
- Nestling Biology of the Field Sparrow. 308-319.
- Louis B. Best.
- The Orientation of Passerine Nocturnal Migrants Following Offshore Drift. 320-330.
- Kenneth P. Able.
- Pectoral Appendage Myology of the Hawaiian Honeycreepers (Drepanididae). 331-342.
- Robert J. Raikow.
- Behavior of Ruddy Duck Broods in Utah. 343-349.
- David E. Joyner.
- Composition of Eggs of Several Bird Species. 350-356.
- Robert E. Ricklefs.
- Reviews. 396-404.
- s.n.
- Obituary. 405.
- s.n.
- Correspondence. 405.
- s.n.
- Notes and News. 405-407.
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- Photographic Confirmation of Giant Snipe in Argentina. 357.
- Ira Joel Abramson.
- Reanalysis of Geographic Variation of House Sparrow Energetics. 358-359.
- C. R. Blem.
- Polygynous Breeding of Short-Billed Marsh Wrens. 359-362.
- Richard D. Crawford.
- Effects of a Late Spring Storm on a Local Dusky Flycatcher Population. 362.
- Robert C. Eckhardt.
- Five Bird Species New to Colombia. 363.
- J. V. Remsen, Jr.
- Relationships Between Egg Pigmentation and Hatching Sequence in the Herring Gull. 363-365.
- Michael L. Chamberlin.
- Sizes of Snails Eaten by Snail Kites and Limpkins in a Costa Rican Marsh. 365-367.
- S. F. Collett.
- Abnormal Nest Building in the Eastern Phoebe. 367-369.
- Harmon P. Weeks, Jr.
- The Effect of Tree Hardness on Woodpecker Nest Entrance Orientation. 369-370.
- Richard N. Conner.
- Harris' Hawks Lay Three Clutches of Eggs in One Year. 370-371.
- William J. Mader.
- Nest Site Selection for Prairie Falcons. 371.
- Edward J. Pitcher.
- Clutch Size Determination, Egg Size, and Eggshell Thickness in the Pie-Billed Grebe. 371-373.
- G. N. Fugle, S. I. Rothstein.
- American Redstart Feeding by Artificial Light. 373-374.
- Laura E. Bakken, George S. Bakken.
- Premature Parental Behavior of a Red-Shouldered Hawk. 374-375.
- J. Randolph Acker.
- Predation on Gulls by Bald Eagles in Washington. 375.
- James L. Hayward, Jr., Wm. Humphrey Gillett, Charles J. Amlaner, Jr., John F. Stout.
- Foods of Nestling Red-Cockaded Woodpeckers in Coastal South Carolina. 376-377.
- Richard F. Harlow, Michael R. Lennartz.
- Bilateral Size Dimorphism in House Sparrow Gynandromorphs. 377-380.
- Peter E. Lowther.
- The Effect of Time of Day on Avian Census Results. 380-383.
- William M. Shields.
- Homing of Subadult Oldsquaws. 383-384.
- R. M. Alison.
- Brown-Capped Rosy Finch Nesting in New Mexico. 384-385.
- David Paul Hendricks.
- Pellet Egestion by a Captive Chimney Swift (Chaetura Pelagica). 385.
- Gary E. Duke.
- Unusual Foraging by a Fork-Tailed Storm Petrel. 385-386.
- Robert Gill Jr.
- Additional Records of Brown-Headed Cowbird Nest Parasitism in Louisiana. 386-389.
- John W. Goertz.
- First North American Record of the Asian Needle-Tailed Swift, Hirundapus Caudacutus. 389.
- Clayton M. White, William M. Baird.
- Parasitic Jaegers Prey on Adult Ptarmigan. 389-390.
- John H. Eisenhauer, Jack Paniyak.
- Green Heron Nesting in a Wood Duck Box. 390.
- Allan P. Sandilands.
- Snowy Egrets Attracted to Prey by Common Terns. 390-391.
- Robert I. Bertin.
- Possible Ecological Role of Food Caches of Loggerhead Shrike. 391-392.
- Roger D. Applegate.
- Allopreening in the Black Vulture. 392.
- F. Haverschmidt.
- Roosting Habits of the Swallow-Tailed Kite. 392.
- F. Haverschmidt.
- Male Prairie Warbler Dies During Courtship. 393.
- Ellen D. Ketterson.
- Implications of Recaptures of Broad-Tailed Hummingbirds Banded in Colorado. 393-395.
- Nickolas M. Waser, David W. Inouye.
- Brown-Headed Cowbird Courting a Purple Martin. 395.
- Charles R. Brown.
General Notes
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