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The Auk, Volume 87, Number 3 (1970)

3 (July)


In Memoriam: William Henry Phelps. 419-424.
Robert Cushman Murphy.
Breeding Ecology of the Water Pipit. 425-451.
Nicolaas A. M. Verbeek.
Prey Preferences in the Sharp-Shinned Hawk: the Roles of Sex, Experience, and Motivation. 452-457.
Helmut C. Mueller, Daniel D. Berger.
The Mechanism of Pipping in Birds. 458-466.
William S. Brooks, Susan E. Garrett.
Hummingbird Territoriality At a Tropical Flowering Tree. 467-491.
F. Gary Stiles, Larry L. Wolf.
Florida Sandhill Crane Nesting on the Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge. 492-502.
Richard L. Thompson.
Parental Recognition and the Mew Call" in Black-Billed Gulls (Larus Bulleri)". 503-513.
Roger M. Evans.
Notes on the Seabirds of Round Island, Mauritius. 514-521.
Frank B. Gill, Christian Jouanin, Robert W. Storer.
Tufted Titmouse Breeding Behavior. 522-536.
Hervey Brackbill.
A New Anseriform Genus and Species From the Nebraska Pliocene. 537-543.
Lester L. Short.
Feeding Behavior of Downy Woodpeckers I. Preference for Paper Birches and Sexual Differences. 544-556.
Lawrence Kilham.
Territories, Multiple Nest Building, and Polygyny in the Long-Billed Marsh Wren. 557-567.
Jared Verner, Gay H. Engelsen.
The Function and Evolution of the Supraorbital Process in Ducks. 568-572.
Robert J. Raikow.
Reviews. 590-604.
Periodical Literature. 605-629.
Obituaries. 630-632.
Notes and News. 633.

General Notes

Barn Owl Nesting on Nantucket Island, Massachusetts. 573-574.
Edith Andrews.
The Yellow-Billed Tern (Sterna Superciliaris) in Uruguay. 574-577.
Rodolfo Escalante.
Swimming Ability of the Barn Swallow. 577.
H. Desmond Jackson.
Snow Roosting Behavior of Immature Ruffed Grouse. 578-579.
Geoffrey A. Godfrey.
A Method for Obtaining Food Samples From Insectivorous Birds. 579.
David T. Moody.
Courtship and Copulation by a Hand-Reared Broad-Winged Hawk. 580.
Helmut C. Mueller.
Notes on the Snail Kite in Surinam. 580-584.
F. Haverschmidt.
Black-Whiskered Vireo in Surinam. 584.
F. Haverschmidt.
The Black-Crowned Night Heron As a Predator of Tern Chicks. 584-586.
Charles T. Collins.
A Kingfisher New to Borneo. 586.
Kenneth W. Prescott.
Red-Tailed Hawk Attacks Bald Eagle. 586.
Paul V. Le Duc.
Burrow Digging Techniques of Leach's Petrel. 587-588.
Thomas C. Grubb, Jr.
Bronzed Cowbird Taken in Florida. 588.
Raymond E. Matteson.
Oceanodroma Tethys Kelsalli, New to North America. 588-589.
Vernal L. Yadon.
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