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The Auk, Volume 83, Number 3 (1966)

3 (July)


Discovery of the Downy Young of Kittlitz's Murrelet. 349-351.
Max C. Thompson, John Q. Hines, Francis S. L. Williamson.
Migration of Age and Sex Classes of Passerines on the Atlantic Coast in Autumn. 352-360.
Bertram G. Murray, Jr.
A Technique for Recording Migratory Orientation of Captive Birds. 361-367.
Stephen T. Emlen, John T. Emlen.
Diurnal Rhythm of Attentiveness of Incubating Female Tree Sparrows (Spizella Arborea) At a Northern Latitude. 368-388.
J. Stenger Weeden.
Some Aspects of Breeding Biology of the Blue-Winged Teal. 389-402.
Charles W. Dane.
On Estimates of the Past Numbers and of the Average Longevity of Avian Species. 403-415.
R. E. Moreau.
In Memoriam: E. Thomas Gilliard. 416-422.
Robert Cushman Murphy, Dean Amadon.
Sexual Dimorphism and Food Habits in Three North American Accipiters. 423-436.
Robert W. Storer.
The Breeding Success of Various Passerine Birds Under Chronic Gamma Irradiation Stress. 437-440.
Richard H. Wagner, Timothy G. Marples.
Water Economy and Salt Balance in White-Winged and Inca Doves. 441-456.
Richard E. Macmillen, Charles H. Trost.
Report of the Committee on Bird Protection, 1965. 457-467.
Reviews. 483-493.
Recent Literature. 494-515.
Notes and News. 516.
Correspondence. 516.

General Notes

A Simple Technique for Hollow Metal Egg Construction. 468-469.
Edwin C. Franks.
Notes on Breeding of the Common Nighthawk in Panama. 469-470.
Storrs L. Olson, Eugene Eisenmann.
Ornithoica Vicina (Diptera: Hippoboscidae) a New Host Record From the Marsh Hawk. 471.
William C. Scharf.
Additional Observations on Foot-Stirring" Feeding Behavior in Herons". 471-472.
Andrew J. Meyerriecks.
The History and Status of the Ruff in Eastern North America. 473-474.
Charles F. Leck.
An Inland Nesting Record for the Glossy Ibis, Plegadis Falcinellus, in Arkansas. 474.
Earl L. Hanebrink, Richard Cochran.
Notes on a Display and Nest of the Club-Winged Manakin. 475-476.
Edwin O. Willis.
Parasitism of the Dwarf Vireo (Vireo Nanus) by Cowbirds. 476-477.
Dennis M. Power.
Nesting of Hooded Mergansers on the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, Maryland. 477-479.
Frank B. Mcgilvrey.
Competitive Exclusion and Birds At Fruiting Trees in Western Colombia. 479-480.
Edwin O. Willis.
Red-Winged Blackbirds Searching Beneath Pine Bark for Insects in Winter. 480-481.
Brooke Meanley.
Abnormal Tongue in a Reef Heron. 481.
Chris Maser.
A Specimen of the Little Gull Larus Minutus, From Dallas County, Texas. 482.
Warren M. Pulich.
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