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The Auk, Volume 79, Number 4 (1962)

4 (October)


Breeding Cycles and Behavior of Laysan and Black-Footed Albatrosses. 517-567.
Dale W. Rice, Karl W. Kenyon.
An Experimental Study of the Mechanisms of Nest Building in a Weaverbird. 568-595.
Nicholas E. Collias, Elsie C. Collias.
Breeding Biology of Mockingbirds. 596-606.
Amelia R. Laskey.
Agonistic Behavior and Territory in the American Redstart. 607-632.
Millicent S. Ficken.
On the Habits of the Queo, Rhodinocichla Rosea. 633-639.
Alexander F. Skutch.
On the Systematic Position of Rhodinocichla Rosea. 640-648.
Eugene Eisenmann.
The Homing of Cowbirds. 649-654.
Reginald D. Manwell.
Display Patterns of Tropical American Nine-Primaried" Songbirds Ii. Some Species of Ramphocelus". 655-686.
M. Moynihan.
Territorial Behavior: the Main Controlling Factor of a Local Song Sparrow Population. 687-697.
Frank S. Tompa.
Vocalizations of the Black Rail (Laterallus Jamaicensis) and the Yellow Rail (Coturnicops Noveboracensis). 698-701.
Peter Paul Kellogg.
Measurement of Nest Attentiveness in the Ring-Necked Pheasant. 702-705.
Francis Kessler.
Reviews. 720-729.
Memorial. 730-742.
Obituaries. 742-743.
Notes and News. 744-745.
Recent Literature. 746-754.
Index to Volume 79. 755-774.

General Notes

First Townsend's Solitaire Collected in Ontario. 706.
D. H. Baldwin, James Woodford.
Scratching the Rear" by Budgerigars (Melopsittacus Undulatus)". 706.
Barbara F. Brockway.
The Systematic Position of Two Oligocene Birds From Belgium. 706-707.
Pierce Brodkorb.
Recent Census and Observations of the Giant Pied-Billed Grebe of Guatemala. 707-709.
Anne Labastille Bowes, C. V. Bowes, Jr.
Additional Cases of Bilobated Kidneys in the Hornbills. 709-711.
Bernard Feinstein.
Behavior During Migratory Departure of White-Throated Sparrows. 711-712.
Rosemary Gaymer.
A Mandibular Abnormality in the Wood Duck. 712.
Eric G. Bolen.
Aggressive Behavior of a Bald Eagle. 712-713.
Joseph R. Murphy.
Aggressive Behavior by a Wintering Myrtle Warbler. 713-714.
Glen E. Woolfenden.
Three Unusual Raptor Records From Wyoming. 714.
James H. Enderson.
Loggerhead Shrike Kills House Finch. 714.
Murray M. Eells.
First Canadian Record of Virginia's Warbler. 715.
Douglas D. Dow.
Cannibalism by Nestling Short-Eared Owls. 715.
Collingwood Ingram.
The 1961 Status of Some Bald Eagle Nest Sites in East-Central Florida. 716-718.
Joseph C. Howell.
A Noteworthy Reverse Migration of Snow Geese in Central Ontario. 718.
Louise De Kiriline Lawrence.
Some Aberrant Characters of the Yellow-Breasted Chat, Icteria Virens. 718-719.
Millicent S. Ficken, Robert W. Ficken.
On Dew Bathing and Drought in Passerines. 719.
Nicolaas A. M. Verbeek.
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