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The Auk, Volume 77, Number 2 (1960)

2 (April)


Northward Fall Migration on the Atlantic Coast and its Relation to Offshore Drift. 119-149.
James Baird, Ian C. T. Nisbet.
A Study of the Foraging Behavior of Two Species of Ant-Tanagers. 150-170.
Edwin Willis.
The Influence of Weather on Passerine Migration. a Review. 171-209.
David Lack.
Three New Subspecies of Birds From Western North America. 210-215.
Thomas D. Burleigh.
Reviews. 230-234.
Recent Literature. 235-254.
Notes and News. 255.
Correspondence. 256.
Aou Committees 1959-60. 257-258.

General Notes

Intramuscular Fat Store in the Pectoralis of Birds. 216-217.
J. C. George, R. M. Naik.
Note on the Palaearctic Robins. 217-218.
J. Delacour.
First Records of Cattle Egrets (Bubulcus Ibis) in Guatemala. 218.
Frank B. Smithe, Hugh C. Land.
Copulatory Behavior of the Red-Headed Woodpecker. 218-219.
William E. Southern.
Knot Collected Inland in Oregon. 219-220.
Kenneth R. Porter.
Worm-Eating Warbler Adopts" Ovenbird Nestlings". 220.
Stanley J. Maciula.
A Grasshopper Sparrow Near Quebec, Province of Quebec. 220-221.
Henri Ouellet.
Clutch Size of the Clapper Rail. 221-222.
Robert E. Stewart, Brooke Meanley.
Unusual Responses of a Prairie Warbler to Sunlight. 222-223.
Val Nolan, Jr.
Surf Scoter in New Mexico. 224.
Wm. S. Huey.
Subspecific Names of Mexican Brown Jays: A Correction. 224.
Robert K. Selander.
Some Observations on the Distribution of the Blood Capillaries in the Pigeon Breast Muscle. 224-226.
J. C. George, R. M. Naik.
The Brown Cachalote, Pseudoseisura Lophotes, in Bolivia. 226-227.
Kenneth C. Parkes.
A Texas Record of the Black Brant. 227.
J. C. Henderson.
Two Significant Calling Periods of the Screech Owl. 227-228.
Fred Hough.
Coloration of Pharomacrus Mocino. 228-229.
Charles H. Blake.
An Unusual Winter Plumage of the Goldfinch. 229.
Aretas A. Saunders.
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