Birds of the US-Mexico Borderlands: Distribution, Ecology, and Conservation
- Contents
- Author Addresses, v
- Preface, 1-9
- Janet M. Ruth, Timothy Brush, David J. Krueper
- Additions to the Breeding Avifauna of the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas, 11-19
- Timothy Brush
- Avifaunal Changes in Big Bend National Park, Texas, 20-27
- Roland H. Wauer, Mark Flippo
- Distribution and Status of Breeding Landbirds in Northern Sonora Mexico, 28-45
- Aaron D. Flesch
- The Distribution and Status of Royal Terns on The Pacific Coast of Southern California and Baja California, Mexico, 46-51
- Charles T. Collins, Eduardo Palacios
- Habitat Use of Wintering Bird Communities in Sonora, Mexico - The Importance of Riparian Habitats, 53-68
- Jose Fernando Villasenor-Gomez
- Population Trends of Yuma Clapper Rails in the Colorado River Delta, Mexico, 69-73
- Osvel Hinojosa-Huerta, Juan Jose Rivera-Diaz, Helena Iturribarria-Rojas, Alejandra Calvo-Fonseca
- Densities, Species Richness and Habitat Relationships of the Avian Community in the Colorado River, Mexico, 74-82
- Osvel Hinojosa-Huerta, Helena Iturribarria-Rojas, Enrique Zamora-Hernandez, Alejandra Calvo-Fonseca
- Influence of Desertification on Site Occupancy by Grassland and Shrubland Birds During the Non-Breeding Period in the Northern Chihuahuan Desert, 84-100
- M. Sofia Agudelo, Martha J. Desmond, Leigh Murray
- Winter Diets and Seed Selection of Granivorous Birds in Southwestern New Mexico, 101-112
- Martha J. Desmond, Cesar Mendez-Gonzales, Laurie B. Abbott
- Distribution and Abundance of Breeding Arizona (Ammodramus savannarum ammolegus) in The Southwestern United States: Past, Present, and Future, 113-124
- Janet M. Ruth
- Seasonal Passerine Migratory Movements Over the Arid Southwest, 126-137
- Rodney K. Felix, Jr., Robert H. Diehl, Janet M. Ruth
- Applied Conservation Planning and Implementation in the US-Mexico Borderlands, 138-144
- David Mehlman
- Literature Cited, 146-165
The concept for this volume began as a scientific symposium at the North American Ornithological Conference (NAOC) in Veracruz, Mexico in October 2006. The symposium was entitled “Avian Distributional Change, Anthropogenic Challenges, and Recent Avian Research and Technological Advances within the US–Mexico Border Region,” and was co-chaired by two of us (DJK and TB) along with Carol Beardmore (Sonoran Joint Venture) and Bill Howe (USDI Fish and Wildlife Service). In light of the importance of the borderland region for birds and bird conservation, and because of the great need for additional information about this poorly studied region, we have compiled this volume to present new information about bird distribution, ecology, and conservation.