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Bird-Banding, Volume 49, Number 2 (1978)

Journal of Field Ornithology
2 (Spring)


Use of Computer Methods To Reduce Error in Color Banding Studies of Long-Lived Birds. 101-107.
Janet C. Ollason
Flight Speeds of Brown Pelicans, Chimney Swifts, and Other Birds. 108-112.
Gary D. Schnell, Jenna J. Hellack
Foraging Behavior and Length of Dispersal Flights of Communally Roosting Starlings. 113-115.
Paul A. Stewart
Dispersal of Herring Gulls From the Witless Bay Sea Bird Sanctuary, Newfoundland. 116-124.
William Threlfall
Habituation of Adult Eastern Bluebirds To a Nest-Box Trap. 125-129.
Benedict C. Pinkowski
On Early Spring Arrival of Purple Martins. 130-133.
Charles R. Brown
The Growing Use of Roofs By Nesting Birds. 134-141.
Erma J. Fisk
Seasonal Distribution and Site Tenacity of the Great Lakes Common Tern. 142-151.
Gerard T. Haymes, Hans Blokpoel
Sex and Age Determination in the Clay-Colored Sparrow. 152-156.
R. W. Knapton
Criteria For Aging Cassin's Auklets. 157-161.
David A. Manuwal
Habitat Structure and Productivity in Red-Tailed Hawks. 162-171.
James Howell, Bonita Smith, John B. Holt, Jr., David R. Osborne
A Method For Automatically Detecting Birds On Radar. 172-181.
Ronald P. Larkin, Lawrence Eisenberg
Recent Literature. 189-200.

General Notes

Racial Composition and Differential Migration of Tower-Killed Savannah Sparrows in Southeastern North Dakota. 182-184.
Michael L. Avery, John S. Weske
Further Evidence of White-Tailed Deer Eating Birds in Mist Nets. 184.
Thomas A. Allan
Adult Female Ring-Billed Gulls Sexually Molest Juveniles. 184-186.
Linda K. Kinkel, William E. Southern
Longevity of White-Winged Scoters. 186-187.
C. Stuart Houston, Patrick W. Brown
Predation By a Gray Rat Snake On Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Nestlings. 187-188.
Jerome A. Jackson

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