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Bird-Banding, Volume 47, Number 3 (1976)

Journal of Field Ornithology
3 (Summer)


Age Determination of Six Species of North American Shorebirds. 201-209.
Jean Burton, Raymond Mcneil
Oldsquaw Brood Behavior. 210-213.
R. M. Alison
Recoveries and Foreign Retraps of Birds Banded At Island Beach, N.J.. 214-230.
Mrs. Roger W. Foy
A Biennial Rhythm in the Winter Distribution of the Common Redpoll. 231-237.
John H. Kennard
Avian Population Trends in Central New York State, 1935-1972. 238-257.
Stanley A. Temple, Barbara L. Temple
A Comparison of Past and Present Osprey Breeding Populations in Coastal Virginia. 258-262.
Christopher H. Stinson, Mitchell A. Byrd
A Christmas Count Analysis of the Fringillidae. 263-272.
Carl E. Bock, Larry W. Lepthien
Recent Literature. 279-299.
Notes and News. 300.

General Notes

Capturing and Marking Spectacled Eiders in Alaska. 273.
Christian P. Dau
Further Records, in cluding the First Double-Journey Recovery, of European-Banded Ruddy Turnstones On Ellesmere Island, N.W.T.. 274.
R. I. G. Morrison
Movements of Cavity-Hunting Starlings and Eastern Bluebirds. 274-275.
Paul A. Stewart
A Brown-Headed Cowbird in Postjuvenal Molt At Age of About 38 Days. 275-276.
Hervey Brackbill
Bay-Breasted Warblers Feeding On Fruit: in terspecific Social Facilitation?. 276.
Helmut C. Mueller, Nancy S. Mueller
Incomplete Prebasic Molt in a Dark-Eyed Junco. 276-277.
Robert P. Yunick
An Age Record For Swainson's Warbler. 277.
John S. Weske, David Bridge
Band Returns in El Salvador, 1973-74 and 1974-75 Seasons. 277-278.
Walter A. Thurber, Amanda Villeda C.

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