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Bird-Banding, Volume 41, Number 2 (1970)

Journal of Field Ornithology
2 (April)


Reversed Sexual Dimorphism in Tail Length and Foraging Differences in Woodpeckers. 85-92.
Lester L. Short
A Hoop-Net Trap For Passerine Birds. 92-96.
Kenneth H. Larsen
Banding, Paint-Marking and Subsequent Movements of Barn and Cliff Swallows. 97-103.
David E. Samuel
Weight Changes and Feeding Behavior of a Captive-Reared Bald Eagle. 103-110.
Paul A. Stewart
A Technique For Capturing Petrels and Shearwaters At Sea. 111-113.
Douglas E. Gill, William J. L. Sladen, Charles E. Huntington
Age and Sex Distribution in in digo Buntings. 113-118.
David W. Johnston
A Polygynous House Wren. 118-121.
Hervey Brackbill
Pattern and Timing of Skull Pneumatization in the Ruby-Crowned Kinglet. 121-124.
Robert C. Leberman
A New Method of Capturing Nocturnal Alcids. 124-127.
C. John Ralph, Fred C. Sibley
A Raft Trap For Ducks. 128-129.
Lawson G. Sugden, Herbert J. Poston
Recent Literature. 133-167.
Notes and News. 167-168.
No Mist Nets in July. 168.

General Notes

Eight-Year-Old Bank Swallow (Riparia Riparia). 130.
Wallace N. Macbriar, Jr.
Gray Jays Accept Transfer To a Different Nest in a New Location. 130-131.
Russell J. Rutter
Slate-Colored Junco Wintering Dates At Baltimore. 131.
Hervey Brackbill
Hybrid Warbler Collected in South Florida. 131-132.
Erma J. Fisk
The Capillary Tube in Avian Blood Studies. 132-133.
Gerald M. Poleyn
First Harris's Sparrow Banded in New Jersey. 133.
Bruce Adams

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