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Bird-Banding, Volume 38, Number 2 (1967)

Journal of Field Ornithology
2 (April)


Energy Metabolism and Theoretical Flight Range of Birds. 97-113.
Dennis G. Raveling, Eugene A. Lefebvre
Attention Cardinal Banders. 113.
A Method For Constructing and Erecting Aerial-Nets in a Forest. 114-119.
Jon S. Greenlaw, Jeff Swinebroad
Observations On Migrating Saw-Whet Owls. 120-125.
Helmut C. Mueller, Daniel D. Berger
Mortality of Bled Birds As in dicated by Recapture Rate. 125-130.
Edwin C. Franks
Fall Departure of the Yellow-Breasted Chat (Icteria Virens) in Eastern North America. 130-135.
John V. Dennis
Recoveries of Birds Banded by Encephalitis Field Station, 1957-1965. 135-138.
K. S. Anderson, E. J. Randall, A. J. Main, R. J. Tonn
Survival Rates in Red-Winged Blackbirds. 139-142.
Don P. Fankhauser
Reliability of External Sex Characteristics of the Starling in California. 143-147.
Robert G. Schwab, Rex E. Marsh
Recent Literature. 153-171.
Notes and News. 171.

General Notes

Nesting Behavior of a Crippled Chimney Swift. 147-149.
Ralph W. Dexter
Modifications of the Use of the Japanese Mist Nets. 149-151.
Raymond Mcneil
Returns in 1965-1966 of North American Migrant Birds Banded in Panama. 151-152.
Horace Loftin, George J. Child, Salvatore Bongiorno
Slate-Colored Junco Killed by Gray Squirrel. 152.
Kenneth W. Prescott

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