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The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 104, Number 3 (1992)

Wilson Bulletin
3 (September)


Ornithological Literature. 554-569.

Major Papers

A New Species of Antpitta (Formicariidae: Grallaria) From the Eastern Andes of Colombia. 389-399.
F. Gary Stiles
Abundance, Feeding Behavior, and Body Condition of Nearctic Warblers Wintering in Venezuelan Mangroves. 400-412.
Gaetan Lefebvre, Brigitte Poulin, Raymond Mcneil
Breeding Season and Productivity of Monk Parakeets in Cordoba, Argentina. 413-424.
Joaquin L. Navarro, Monica B. Martella, Enrique H. Bucher
Winter Territorial Behavior of Gray Vireos. 425-433.
John M. Bates
Status, Nesting Density, and Macrohabitat Selection of Red-Shouldered Hawks in Northern New Jersey. 434-446.
Thomas Bosakowski, Dwight G. Smith, Robert Speiser
The Influence of Weather on Hawk Movements in Coastal Northern California. 447-461.
Linnea S. Hall, Allen M. Fish, Michael L. Morrison
Daily and Seasonal Activity Patterns of Common Ravens in Southwestern Idaho. 462-471.
Kathleen A. Engel, Leonard S. Young
Diurnal Time-Activity Budgets and Habitat Use of Ring-Necked Duck Ducklings in Northcentral Minnesota. 472-484.
Stephen J. Maxson, Richard M. Pace, Iii
Avian Habitat Associations in Riparian Zones of Idaho's Centennial Mountains. 485-500.
David C. Douglas, John T. Ratti, R. Alan Black, J. Richard Alldredge
Colonial Waterbird Populations in the Sian Ka'An Biosphere Reserve(Quintana Roo, Mexico). 501-515.
Arturo Lopez-Ornat, Cristina Ramo

Short Communications

Temporal Stability of Song in a Local Population of Wood Thrushes. 516-520.
Carl L. Whitney
Egg Destruction by Eastern Meadowlarks. 520-525.
Jaroslav Picman
Influeuce of West Cover on Habitat Selection in Clay-Colored Sparrows. 525-529.
Erik S. Munson
Dominance Relationships of Dabbling Ducks Wintering in Yncatan, Mexico. 529-536.
John D. Thompson, Guy A. Baldassarre
Dynamics of a Year-Round Communal Roost of Bald Eagles. 536-540.
John L. Curnutt
Nonbreeding Bald Eagle Perch Habitat on the Northern Chesapeake Bay. 540-545.
David A. Buehler, Sheri K. Chandler, Timothy J. Mersmann, James D. Fraser, Janis K. D. Seegar
Annual Variation in the Timing of Breeding of the Monk Parakeet in Relation to Climatic Factors. 545-549.
Joaquin L. Navarro, Enrique H. Bucher
Capsaicin Effects on Consumption of Food by Cedar Waxwings and House Finches. 549-551.
Donald M. Norman, J. Russell Mason, Larry Clark
First Description of the Nest and Eggs of the Black Solitaire. 551-552.
William Beltran
American Coot Kills Yellow-Headed Blackbird Nestlings. 552-553.
Peter L. Hurd

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