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The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 101, Number 3 (1989)

Wilson Bulletin
3 (September)


Ornithological Literature. 510-524.

Major Papers

A New Allopatric Taxon in the Hapalopsittaca Amazonina (Psittacidae) Superspecies From Colombia. 369-376.
Gary R. Graves, Daniel Uribe Restrepo
Biology of the Austral Pygmy-Owl. 377-389.
Jaime E. Jimenez, Fabian M. Jaksic
New and Noteworthy Records of Birds From the Eastern Yucatan Peninsula. 390-409.
Arturo Lopez Ornat, James F. Lynch, Barbara Mackinnon De Montes
Phylogenetic Relationships and Incipient Flightlessness of the Extinct Auckland Islands Merganser. 410-435.
Bradley C. Livezey
Population Trends in Some Florida Bay Wading Birds. 436-457.
George V. N. Powell, Robin D. Bjork, John C. Ogden, Richard T. Paul, A. Harriett Powell, William B. Robertson, Jr.

Short Communications

Low Return Rates of Migratory Loggerhead Shrikes: Winter Mortality or Low Site Fidelity?. 458-460.
Carola A. Haas, Sarah A. Sloane
Female Hooded Warbler Plumage Does Not Become More Male-Like with Age. 460-462.
Eugene S. Morton
The Impact of Male Parental Care on Female Eastern Kingbird Reproductive Success. 462-467.
Patricia A. Hayes, Raleigh J. Robertson
Nesting Ecology of Mourning Doves in a Cold Desert Ecosystem. 467-472.
Frank P. Howe, Lester D. Flake
Nest Sites of the Micronesian Kingfisher on Guam. 472-477.
Samuel D. Marshall
Release of Gaping in Hummingbirds (Trochilidae). 477-481.
Karl L. Schuchmann
Decline of the Long-Eared Owl in New Jersey. 481-485.
Thomas Bosakowski, Richard Kane, Dwight G. Smith
The Evolution of Reversed Sexual Dimorphism in Owls: Corrections and Further Analyses. 486-491.
Helmut C. Mueller
Incidental Egg Dumping by the House Wren in a Yellow Warbler Nest. 491-493.
Spencer G. Sealy
Bald Eagles Killing American Coots and Stealing Coot Carcasses From Greater Black-Backed Gulls. 494-496.
Stefan Sobkowiak, Rodger D. Titman
Relative Contribution of the Sexes to Chick Feeding in Roseate and Common Terns. 497-500.
Richard H. Wagner, Carl Safina
Prolonged Parental Care and Foraging of Greater Snow Goose Jnveniles. 500-503.
Yves Turcotte, Jean Bedard
Posthatch Brood Amalgamation by Mallards. 503-505.
John D. Boos, Thomas D. Nudds, Kjell Sjoberg
Effects of Radio Transmitters on the Foraging Behavior of Barn Swallows. 505-506.
R. Mark Brigham
Attempted Polygyny by a Merlin. 506-507.
Navjot S. Sodhi
A Possible Foraging Relationship Between Black-Billed Magpies and American Kestrels. 507.
Ronald J. Sarno
Loggerhead Kingbirds Feeding on Sesarma Crabs. 507-508.
Albert E. Burchsted, Grace Chambers
Common Moorhen Parasitizes a Boat-Tailed Grackle Nest. 508-509.
W. Post, C. Seals

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