The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 100, Number 1 (1988)
Wilson Bulletin
1 (March)
- Ornithological Literature. 149-172.
- A Hybrid Oporornis Philadelphia X Geothlypis Trichas, with Comments on the Taxonomic Interpretation and Evolutionary Significance of Intergeneric Hybridization. 1-8.
- Anthony H. Bledsoe
- Song-Type Distribution in a Population of Kentucky Warblers. 9-16.
- Nellie Tsipoura, Eugene S. Morton
- Breeding Season Habitat Selection by the Henslow's Sparrow (Ammodramus Henslowii) in Kansas. 17-24.
- John L. Zimmerman
- Breeding Biology of Wilson's Plovers. 25-35.
- Peter W. Bergstrom
- Breeding Displays and Vocalizations of Wilson's Plovers. 36-49.
- Peter W. Bergstrom
- Wading Bird Colony Formation and Turnover Relative to Rainfall in the Corkscrew Swamp Area of Florida During 1982 Through 1985. 50-59.
- G. Thomas Bancroft, John C. Ogden, Barbara W. Patty
- The Frequency of Cuckoldry in the European Starling (Sturnus Vulgaris). 60-69.
- Ann S. Hoffenberg, Harry W. Power, Linda C. Romagnano, Michael P. Lombardo, Terry R. Mcguire
- Successful Incubation of Experimentally Enlarged Clutches by House Wrens. 70-79.
- Michael E. Baltz, Charles F. Thompson
- Conspecific Brood Parasitism in the House Sparrow. 80-90.
- Paul E. Kendra, Roland R. Roth, Douglas W. Tallamy
- Historical Status of the American Kestrel (Falco Sparverius Paulus) in Florida. 91-107.
- Mark L. Hoffman, Michael W. Collopy
- Merlin Predation on Wintering Dunlins: Hunting Success and Dunlin Escape Tactics. 108-118.
- Joseph B. Buchanan, Charles T. Schick, Leonard A. Brennan, Steven G. Herman
- Distribution and Population Status of Harlequin Ducks (Histrionicus Histrionicus) Wintering in Eastern North America. 119-126.
- Peter D. Vickery
- Evidence of Intraspecific Brood Parasitism in the Tree Swallow. 126-128.
- Michael P. Lombardo
- Nest-Construction Tactics in the Cedar Waxwing. 128-130.
- D. James Mountjoy, Raleigh J. Robertson
- Sightings of Golden-Cheeked Warblers (Dendroica Chrysoparia) in Northeastern Mexico. 130-131.
- Kenneth W. Johnson, Joye E. Johnson, Richard O. Albert, Thomas R. Albert
- Effect of Substrate and Ambient Temperature on Burrowing African Penguins. 131-132.
- G. D. La Cock
- A Case of Polygyny in the Black-Throated Blue Warbler. 132-134.
- Kenneth E. Petit, Mark D. Dixon, Richard T. Holmes
- Two Nests of the Azure-Hooded Jay with Notes on Nest Attendance. 134-135.
- Kathy Winnett-Murray, K. Greg Murray, William H. Busby
- Apparent Sibling Cannibalism by a Nestling Pigeon Guillemot. 136.
- Pamela C. Rasmussen
- Seasonal Predation of Large Prey by Merlins. 137-139.
- Ian G. Warkentin, Lynn W. Oliphant
- Opportunistic Foraging of Ruddy Turnstone on Mowed Lawn. 139.
- W. Post
- Island Scrub Jay Predation on Cliff Nests of House Finches. 140.
- Paul D. Haemig
- Wing-Spreading in Chilean Blue-Eyed Shags (Phalacrocorax Atriceps). 140-144.
- Pamela C. Rasmussen, Philip S. Humphrey
- Male Initiation of Pair Formation in Red Phalaropes. 144-147.
- Diane M. Tracy, Douglas Schamel
- Notes on the Foraging Behavior of the Zigzag Heron. 147-148.
- Nigel J. C. Mathews, Richard K. Brooke
Major Papers
Short Communications
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