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The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 99, Number 2 (1987)

Wilson Bulletin
2 (June)


Aspects of the Pelagic Ecology and Behavior of the Black-Capped Petrel (Pterodroma Hasitata). 153-168.
J. Christopher Haney
Karyotypes of Five Species of Empidonax Flycatchers. 169-174.
Gerald F. Shields, Jon C. Barlow, Ross D. James
Western Raptor Management Symposium and Workshop. 174.
Habitat Use by Breeding Willets in the Northern Great Plains. 175-189.
Mark R. Ryan, Rochelle B. Renken
Third North American Conference on Loon Research and Management. 189.
Within-Brood Variation in Growth and Condition in Relation to Brood Reduction in the American White Pelican. 190-201.
Roger M. Evans, Blair F. Mcmahon
Raptor Research Foundation Meeting. 201.
Habitat Use and Territory Characteristics of Red-Cockaded Woodpeckers in Central Florida. 202-217.
Roy S. Delotelle, Robert J. Epting, James R. Newman
Use of Even-Aged Stands by Winter and Spring Bird Communities. 218-232.
Richard H. Yahner
Diet and Foraging Behavior of Ring-Billed Gulls Breeding at Dog Lake, Manitoba. 233-239.
Clive V. J. Welham
Internest Displacement of White Ibis Eggs. 273-275.
Mark A. Shields
Ornithological Literature. 296-312.
Change in Editor. 312.

Short Communications

Brood Division and Postnesting Behavior of Flammulated Owls. 240-243.
Brian D. Linkhart, Richard T. Reynolds
Species-Area Relationships of Winter Residents in Isolated Woodlots. 243-250.
John G. Blake
Bark-Foraging Bird Abundance Unaffected by Increased Snag Availability in a Mixed Mesophytic Forest. 253-257.
Gail A. Mcpeek, William C. Mccomb, John J. Moriarty, Gloria E. Jacoby
Color Dichromatism in Female American Redstarts. 257-261.
Caroline B. Spellmam, Robert E. Lemon, Michael M. J. Morris
Nest-Site Quality and Reproductive Success of Early- and Late-Nesting Double-Crested Cormorants. 262-267.
Raymond Mcneil, Claire Leger
High Basal Metabolic Rate in Sanderlings (Calidris Alba). 267-268.
Gonzalo Castro
On the Antipredator Advantages of Coloniality: a Word of Caution. 269-271.
James A. Rodgers, Jr.
The Foraging Behavior of Gray Gulls at a Sandy Beach. 271-273.
P. G. Ryan, P. A. R. Hockey, A. L. Bosman
Distribution and Status of Brown Pelicans in Venezuela in 1983. 275-279.
Hector M. Guzman, Ralph W. Schreiber
First Bald Eagle Nesting Record From Sonora, Mexico. 279-280.
Bryan T. Brown, Peter L. Warren, L. Susan Anderson
Field Observations and Comments on the Indigo Macaw (Anodorhynchns Leari), a Highly Endangered Species From Northeastern Brazil. 280-282.
Carlos Yamashita
Notes on the Mountain Caracara (Phalcoboenus Megalopterus) in the Argentine Puna. 283-284.
Clayton M. White, Douglas A. Boyce
Production of Second Broods by Northern Bobwhites. 285-286.
William O. Sermons, Dan W. Speake
Polyandry in a Female Northern Mockingbird. 286-288.
Keith R. Fulk, Cheryl A. Logan, Laura E. Hyatt
Fish-Holding Behavior of Marbled Murrelets. 289-291.
Harry R. Carter, Spencer G. Sealy
Gray Kingbird Predation on Small Fish (Poecilia Sp.) Crossing a Sandbar. 291-292.
Louis Lefebvre, Dominique Spahn
Aerial Plunge Foraging by a Great Blue Heron. 292-293.
Steven R. Morey, Allan Smits
Allofeeding in American Goldfinches (Carduelis Tristis). 293-294.
James W. Popp
Brewer's Blackbird Feeding on a Barn Swallow. 294-295.
Leon R. Powers, Mark J. Wheeler

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