The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 99, Number 1 (1987)
Wilson Bulletin
1 (March)
- Tangara Phillipsi, a New Species of Tanager From the Cerros Del Sira, Eastern Peru. 1-6.
- Gary R. Graves, John S. Weske
- Effect of Changes in Regional Forest Abundance on the Decline and Recovery of a Forest Bird Community. 7-21.
- Robert A. Askins, Margarett J. Philbrick
- Forest Openings and the Distribution of Understory Birds in a Puerto Rican Rainforest. 22-37.
- Joseph M. Wunderle, Jr.,, Ariel Diaz, Iris Velaquez, Rafael Scharron
- Aggressive Behavior of Wintering Diving Ducks (Aythyini). 38-49.
- William C. Alexander
- Time Budget and Incubation Behavior of Breeding White-Winged Scoters. 50-55.
- Patrick W. Brown, Leigh H. Fredrickson
- Association of Male and Female American Robins (Turdus Migratorius) During the Breeding Season: Paternity Assurance by Sexual Access or Mate-Guarding. 56-62.
- Patricia Adair Gowaty, Jonathan H. Plissner
- Geographic Variation in Testis Size in Savannah Sparrows (Passerculus Sandwichensis). 63-72.
- J. D. Rising
- Ornithological Literature. 138-150.
- Announcements. 150-151.
- Nesting, Voice, Status, and Relationships of the Endemic Cuban Gundlach's Huwk (Accipiter Gundlachi). 73-77.
- George B. Reynard, Lester L. Short, Orlando H. Garrido, Giraldo Alayon G.
- Postfledging Behavior of American Kestrels in Southwestern Quebec. 77-82.
- Diana W. Lett, David M. Bird
- Abundance, Habitat Use, and Perch Use of Loggerhead Shrikes in North-Central Florida. 82-86.
- Petra Bohall-Wood
- Testosterone, Aggression, and Dominance in Gambel's White-Crowned Sparrows. 86-91.
- Luis F. Baptista, Barbara B. Dewolfe, Leslee Avery-Beausoleil
- Growth Characteristics of Wood Ducks From Two Southeastern Breeding Locations. 91-94.
- I. Lehr Brisbin, Jr., Robert A. Kennamer, Gary C. White, Parshall B. Bush, Lynn A. Mayack
- Effect of Snow Cover on Starling Activity and Foraging Patterns. 94-97.
- Alan D. Maccarone
- Agonistic Communication Among Wintering Purple Finches. 97-100.
- James W. Popp
- Prey Robbery by Nonbreeding Magnificient Frigatebirds (Fregata Magnificens). 101-104.
- H. Lisle Gibbs
- The Nest, Eggs, and Young of the White-Whiskered Spinetail (Synallaxis [Poecilnrus] Candei). 104-106.
- Carlos Bosque, Miguel Lentino
- Reproduction and Molt in the Burrowing Parrot. 107-109.
- Enrique H. Bucher, Maria A. Bertin, Alicia B. Santamaria
- Extrapair Feeding in Pied-Billed Grebes.. 109-111.
- Mark R. L. Forbes
- Foraging, Scavenging, and Other Behavior of Swallows on the Ground. 111-116.
- Keith A. Hobson, Spencer G. Sealy
- December Records of Seabirds Off North Carolina. 116-121.
- David S. Lee
- First Record of the Grey-Chinned Hermit (Phaethornis Griseogularis) West of the Colombian Andes, with Notes on the Displays of the Species. 122-124.
- Karl-L Schuchmann
- Estimating Relative Abundance of Forest Birds: Simple Versus Adjusted Counts. 125-131.
- Martin G. Raphael
- A Synthetic Diet for Fruit-Eating Birds. 131-135.
- Julie S. Denslow, Douglas J. Levey, Timothy C. Moermond, Bernard C. Wentworth
- Bathing Behavior of Nesting Prairie Falcons (Falco Mexicanus) in Southwestern Idaho. 135-136.
- Anthonie M. A. Holthuuzen, Peter A. Duley, John C. Hagar, Scott A. Smith, Kristin N. Wood
- An Incident of Broad Parasitism by the Verdin. 136.
- Michael D. Carter
- Downy Woodpecker Caches Food. 136-137.
- Albert E. Burchsted
Short Communications
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