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The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 98, Number 2 (1986)

Wilson Bulletin
2 (June)


Wax Digestion in Wilson's Storm-Petrel. 189-195.
Bryan S. Obst
Foraging Patterns of Forest Birds: Male-Female Differences. 196-213.
Richard T. Holmes
The Structure of a Forest Bird Community During Winter and Summer. 214-230.
Michael L. Morrison, Kimberly A. With, Irene C. Timossi
Nest-Site Characteristics of Open-Nesting Birds in Riparian Habitats in Iowa. 231-242.
Dean F. Stauffer, Louis B. Best
Aspects of the Biology of the Horned Screamer in Southwestern Colombia. 243-256.
Luis G. Naranjo
Some Aspects of the Breeding Biology of Red-Winged Blackbirds in Alaska. 257-266.
A. David Mcguire
Age-Specific Foraging Ability and the Evolution of Deferred Breeding in Three Species of Gulls. 267-279.
Alexis A. E. Maclean
The Effects of Muscle Biopsy on Survival and Condition in White-Throated Sparrows. 280-285.
David F. Westneat
Ornithological Literature. 322-332.
Announcements. 333-334.
Information for Authors. 335-336.

General Notes

Distribution of Food Within Broods of Barn Swallows. 286-291.
W. Bruce Mcgillivray, Howard Levenson
Species-Area Relationship of Migrants in Isolated Woodlots in East-Central Illinois. 291-296.
John G. Blake
Incubation Continuity and the Advantage of Cryptic Egg Coloration to Mourning Doves. 297-300.
David Westmoreland, Louis B. Best
Effects of Old Nests on Nest-Site Selection in Black-Crowned Night-Herons and Snowy Egrets. 300-303.
William E. Davis, Jr.,
The Use of Tape-Recorded Calls to Count Virginia Rails and Soras. 303-306.
Rex R. Johnson, James J. Dinsmore
Food Robbery of Wintering Ring-Necked Ducks by American Coots. 306-308.
James F. Bergan, Loren M. Smith
Polygyny in the Evening Grosbeak. 308.
Barbara A. Fee, Marc Bekoff
Nesting Trios of Mourning Doves. 309-311.
David E. Blockstein
Supernumerary Adults Feeding Willow Flycatcher Fledglings. 311-312.
Michael D. Stafford
Brood Adoption by a Male Black-Capped Chickadee. 312-313.
James L. Howitz
Brown Thrashers Respond to Calls of Northern Mockingbird Nestlings. 313-314.
Kimberly G. Smith
Behavior of a Polygynons Yearling Yellow Warbler. 315-317.
Mary L. Reid, Spencer G. Sealy
Range Extension of Cayenne Terns on the Puerto Rico Bank. 317-318.
Fred C. Schaffner, Robert L. Norton, John Taylor
Downy Woodpecker Feeds on Insects in a Spider's Web. 319.
Harry M. Tiebout, Iii
Nest-Building Behavior in a Young American Robin. 319-320.
Pamela C. Rasmussen
The Hiss-Display of Nestling Black-Capped Chickadees in Captivity. 320-321.
Karen M. Apel, Charles M. Weise
Nestling Great Crested Flycatcher Parasitized by Larval Fly (Protocalliphora Hirudo). 321.
Barrett A. Garrison, Catherine Vouchilas, Devan F. Stauffer

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