The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 97, Number 3 (1985)
Wilson Bulletin
3 (September)
- Behavior and Nesting Biology of the St. Andrew Vireo. 265-272.
- Jon C. Barlow, Stephen V. Nash
- Display and Related Behavior of Male Pin-Tailed Manakins. 273-282.
- Barbara K. Snow, D. W. Snow
- Sperm Release in Migrating Wood-Warblers (Parulinae) Nesting at Higher Latitudes. 283-295.
- W. B. Quay
- Molt Migration of Large Canada Geese on the West Coast of Hudson Bay. 296-305.
- Rolph A. Davis, Rene N. Jones, Charles D. Macinnes, Allan J. Pakulak
- An Aerodynamic Basis for Selecting Transmitter Loads in Birds. 306-318.
- Donald F. Caccamise, Robert S. Hedin
- Nest Site Use by Cavity-Nesting Birds of the Cariboo Parkland, British Columbia. 319-331.
- Barbara Peterson, Gilles Gauthier
- Raptor Organization Registry. 331.
- Effect of Voles on Mating Systems in a Central Wisconsin Population of Harriers. 332-346.
- Frances Hamerstrom, Frederick N. Hamerstrom, Charles J. Burke
- Comparative Habitat Use by Louisiana and Northern Waterthrushes. 347-355.
- Robert J. Craig
- Ornithological Literature. 397-404.
- Additions to the Book List of the Josselyn Van Tyne Memorial Library. 405-411.
- Announcements. 411-412.
- An Ecological Comparison of the Avifaunas of Grenada and Tobago, West Indies. 356-365.
- Joseph M. Wunderle, Jr.,
- Seasonal Distribution of Subadult Bald Eagles in Three Minnesota Habitats. 365-366.
- James D. Fraser, L. D. Frenzel, John E. Mathisen, Mark E. Shough
- Skua Predation on Penguin Eggs: the Influence of Egg Quality and Location. 366-368.
- M. De L. Brooke
- Early Autumn Movements and Prebasic Molt of Swainson's Thrushes. 368-370.
- Jeffrey D. Cherry
- Nest-Defense of the Florida Scrub Jay and the Problem of Incubation by Male Passerines. 370-372.
- Jack P. Hailman, Glen E. Woolfenden
- Nestling Feeding Schedules of Turquoise-Browed Motmots in Yucatan, Mexico. 372-374.
- Mark W. Martin, Robert F. Martin
- Arrival and Departure Patterns of Great Blue Herons at a South Dakota Colony. 374-378.
- Eileen M. Dowd, Lester D. Flake
- Notes on the Relationships of Island Area and Distance From Mainland to the Presence of Herring Gull Colonies in Lake Nipigon, Ontario. 378-379.
- Kevin Timoney, Jim Rogers, Anne Robinson
- Interactions Between House Sparrows and Common Ground-Doves on Walker's Cay, Bahamas. 379-381.
- Jerome A. Jackson, Bette J. Schardien Jackson
- Commentary and Observations on the Alleged Transportation of Eggs and Young by Caprimulgids. 381-385.
- H. D. Jackson
- Temperature Fluctuations and Nesting Behavior of Rock Wrens in a High-Altitude Environment. 385-387.
- Licia Wolf, Richard M. Lejnieks, Cathy R. Brown, Joseph Yarchin
- A Second Brood by Canada Geese. 387-388.
- David H. Brakhage
- A Four-Egg Clutch of the Mountain Plover. 388-389.
- Michael J. Hamas, Walter D. Graul
- Territorial Behavior of American Crows. 389-390.
- Lawrence Kilham
- The Status of the Sooty Storm-Petrel in Hawaii. 390-392.
- Mark J. Rauzon, Craig S. Harrison, Sheila Conant
- Vocal Imitation in a Captive Purple Martin. 392-395.
- Eugene S. Morton
- Observations of a Tufted Titmouse and a Cattle Egret Associating with a Black Bear. 395.
- Tommy R. Smith
- Abnormal Yellow Eye Ring on a Tropical Kingbird. 395-396.
- Floyd E. Hayes, William S. Baker, Kent R. Beaman
General Notes
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