The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 95, Number 1 (1983)
Wilson Bulletin
1 (March)
- Grallaricula Ochraceifrons, a New Species of Antpitta From Northern Peru. 1-6.
- Gary R. Graves, John P. O'Neill, Theodore A. Parker Iii
- Cowbird Parasitism of Dickcissels in Different Habitats and at Different Nest Densities. 7-22.
- John L. Zimmerman
- Effects of Investigator Activity on Ring-Billed Gull Behavior and Reproductive Performance. 23-41.
- Peter M. Fetterolf
- Displays and Vocalizations of the Sora and the Virginia Rail. 42-59.
- Gerald W. Kaufmann
- A Comparison of Avian Foraging Behavior in Unlogged and Logged Mixed-Coniferous Forest. 60-76.
- Kathleen E. Franzreb
- Habitat Associations of Breeding Birds in Cottage and Natural Areas of Central Ontario. 77-96.
- Karen Clark, David Euler, Edward Armstrong
- Growth, Development, and Food Habits of Nestling Mimids in South Texas. 97-105.
- David H. Fischer
- The Plain-Fronted Thornbird: Nest Construction, Material Choice, and Nest Defense Behavior. 106-117.
- Betsy Trent Thomas
- Ornithological Literature. 161-168.
- Pair Formation Behavior of the Galapagos Lava Heron. 118-121.
- James A. Kushlan
- Pre-Migratory Behavior of Common Loons on the Autumn Staging Grounds. 121-125.
- Judith W. Mcintyre, Jack F. Barr
- Loon Migrations Off the Coast of the Northeastern United States. 125-132.
- Kevin D. Powers, Jeffrey Cherry
- Responses of Black-Headed Grosbeaks to Songs of Conspecifics. 132-138.
- Gary Ritchison
- Vocal Learning in the Parulinae. 138-140.
- W. Roger Meservey, Donald E. Kroodsma, Roberta Pickert
- Factors Affecting the Performance of Flight Songs and Perch Songs in the Common Yellowthroat. 140-142.
- Michael P. Kowalski
- Vocalizations and Behavior of Violet-Green Swallows in the Chiricahua Mountains, Arizona. 142-145.
- Charles R. Brown
- Female Tree Swallow Lays Three Clutches During One Breeding Season. 146.
- Michael P. Lombardo
- Infanticide by a Purple Martin. 146-148.
- Robert W. Loftin, Don Roberson
- Overlap of Two Broods of Eastern Bluebirds in the Same Nest and Brood Reduction. 148-150.
- Patricia Adair Gowaty
- Annual Adult Survival Rates for Brown-Headed Cowbirds Wintering in Southeast Texas. 150-153.
- Keith A. Arnold, Dan M. Johnson
- Flocking Pattern of Foraging American Crows in Oklahoma. 153-155.
- Fritz L. Knopf, Barbara A. Knopf
- An Additional Method of Foraging in Litter by Species of Turdus Thrushes. 155-157.
- George A. Clark Jr.
- Northern Mockingbird Kills Cedar Waxwing. 157-158.
- L. D. Hedrick, A. D. Woody
- American Coot Apparently Suffocates While Attempting to Swallow Lizard. 158.
- Gary F. Mccurdy
- Head-Scratching Method of Galapagos Finches Unaffected by Variation in Cranial Morphology. 158-160.
- Edward H. Burtt Jr.
- Hermit Thrush Nesting on a Rock Face. 160.
- Edward R. Armstrong, David L. Euler
General Notes
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