The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 94, Number 4 (1982)
Wilson Bulletin
4 (December)
- The Biology of Torreornis Inexpectata I. a Comparison of Vocalizations in T. I. Inexpectata and T. I. Sigmani. 433-446.
- Eugene S. Morton, Hiram J. Gonzalez Alonso
- The Behavior of Scale-Backed Antbirds. 447-462.
- Edwin O. Willis
- Censuses and Breeding Observations of the Birds on Kohala Mountain, Hawaii. 463-476.
- Charles Van Riper, Iii
- Observations of Some Unusual Rainforest and Marsh Birds in Southeastern Peru. 477-493.
- Theodore A. Parker, Iii
- Migration and Summer Distribution of Lesser Snow Geese in Interior Keewatin. 494-504.
- Peter L. Mclaren, Margaret A. Mclaren
- Ecological Separation of Grebes and Coots: Interference Competition or Microhabitat Selection?. 505-514.
- Thomas D. Nudds
- Role Specialization in the Parental and Territorial Behavior of the Killdeer. 515-530.
- John T. Mundahl
- Biology and Behavior of Breeding Piping Plovers. 531-545.
- Winifred E. Cairns
- Ornithological Literature. 604-611.
- Proceedings of the Sixty-Third Annual Meeting. 612-623.
- Index to Volume 94, 1982. 624-650.
- Janet T. Mannone, Nancy J. Flood
- Comparison of Variable Circular-Plot and Spot-Map Methods in Desert Riparian and Scrub Habitats. 546-550.
- Robert C. Szaro, Martin D. Jakle
- Use of Prairie Wetlands by Selected Bird Species in South Dakota. 550-554.
- Michael J. Weber, Paul A. Vohs, Jr.,, Lester D. Flake
- Sexing Saw-Whet Owls by Wing Chord. 554-555.
- Helmut C. Mueller
- Comments on Sexing Saw-Whet Owls by Wing Chord. 555-557.
- Martin H. Edwards, Ron D. Weir, Robert B. Stewart
- Use of Two Habitats Related to Changes in Prey Availability in a Population of Ospreys in Northeastern Nova Scotia. 557-564.
- Ian Jamieson, Norman R. Seymour, Robert P. Bancroft
- Nest Provisioning Behavior by a Male Northern Harrier on the Death of His Mate. 564-565.
- Steven P. Thompson, John E. Cornely
- Notes on the Hunting Behavior and Diet of the Crested Caracara in Northeastern Chiapas and Tabasco, Mexico. 565-566.
- David Whitacre, Devora Ukrain, Gary Falxa
- Florida Red-Shouldered Hawk Robs American Crows. 566-567.
- Lawrence Kilham
- Feeding Behaviors and Efficiencies of Common and Forster's Terns. 567-569.
- J. Michael Reed, Herbert E. Hays, David A. Zegers
- Clutch-Size and Prefledging Survival in Red-Winged Blackbirds at Williamstown Lake, New Brunswick. 569-571.
- Michael D. Rigby
- Growth, Diet, and Mortality of Nestling Great Blue Herons. 571-577.
- T. E. Quinney
- Downy Woodpecker Sexes Select Different Cavity Sites: an Experiment Using Artificial Snags. 577-579.
- Thomas C. Grubb, Jr.,
- A Nest of the Pale-Billed Antpitta (Grallaria Carrikeri) with Comparative Remarks on Antpitta Nests. 580-582.
- David A. Wiedenfeld
- Interspecific Nest Use by Aridland Birds. 582-584.
- Deborah M. Finch
- An Apparent Instance of Communal Nesting by American Oystercatchers. 584.
- Brian R. Chapman
- Song Sparrow Pair Raise Four Broods in One Year. 584-585.
- James N. M. Smith
- Post-Copulatory Display in the Lark Bunting and Other Species. 585-590.
- Robert W. Nero
- Responses of Black-Capped Chickadees to Mirrors. 590-593.
- Ellen J. Censky, Millicent S. Ficken
- Tool Use by Green Jays. 593-594.
- Douglas C. Gayou
- A Flight-Song Display of White-Throated Manakin. 594-595.
- Thomas H. Davis
- Notes on the Agonistic Behavior of Common Murres. 595-598.
- Shane P. Mahoney, William Threlfall
- Records of Redhead X Canvasback Hybrids. 599-602.
- G. M. Haramis
- High Mortality of Cedar Waxwings Associated with Highway Plantings. 602-603.
- Robert C. Dowler, Gustav A. Swanson
General Note
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