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The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 94, Number 2 (1982)

Wilson Bulletin
2 (June)


A New Species of Antpitta (Grallaria) From Northern Peru. 105-113.
Thomas S. Schulenberg, Morris D. Williams
The Relationships of the Vireos (Vireoninae) As Indicated by Dna-Dna Hybridization. 114-128.
Charles G. Sibley, Jon E. Ahlquist
Vegetation Relationships and Food of Sage Sparrows Wintering in Honey Mesquite Habitat. 129-138.
Julie K. Meents, Bertin W. Anderson, Robert D. Ohmart
Ecological Release and Ecological Flexibility in Habitat Use and Foraging of an Insular Avifauna. 139-155.
Monique I. Vassallo, Jake C. Rice
Avian Nest Densities and Nest-Site Selection in Farmstead Shelterbelts. 156-175.
Richard H. Yahner
The Influence of Seasonality and Selected Weather Variables on Autumn Migration of Three Species of Hawks Through the Central Appalachians. 176-184.
Kimberly Titus, James A. Mosher
Radionuclides in Mourning Doves Near a Nuclear Facility Complex in Southeastern Idaho. 185-197.
O. Doyle Markham, Douglas K. Halford
Ornithological Literature. 230-238.
Ornithological News. 239-240.

General Notes

Great Blue Heron Eggshell Thickness at Oregon Estuaries. 198-201.
Range D. Bayer
Nesting Phenology of the Double-Crested Cormorant. 201-206.
James A. Kushlan, Linda C. Mcewan
Replacement Nesting and Polyandry in the Wattled Jacana. 206-208.
David R. Osborne
Habitat of Bachman's Sparrows Breeding on Missouri Glades. 208-212.
Kimberly I. Hardin, Thomas S. Baskett, Keith E. Evans
A Double-Brooded Eastern Kingbird. 212-213.
Peter J. Blancher, Raleigh J. Robertson
Male Cooper's Hawk Breeds in Juvenal Plumage. 213-214.
Robert N. Rosenfield, Jonathan Wilde
Unusual Feeding Behavior by a Population of Black Vultures. 214.
Donald J. Elias, Danilo Valencia G.
Clapper Rail Preys on Savannah Sparrow. 215.
Paul D. Jorgensen, Howard L. Ferguson
Commensal Feeding of Little Blue Herons with Manatees. 215-216.
Michael D. Scott, James A. Powell
Comparison of the Nest-Site Distraction Displays of Black-Capped Chickadee and White-Breasted Nuthatch. 216-218.
Charles A. Long
A Review of Hybridization Between Sialia Sialis and S. Currucoides. 219-223.
Richard C. Rounds, Hugh L. Munro
Interspecific Plumage Similarity: the Mockingbird and Loggerhead Shrike. 223.
Robert W. Ficken, Millicent S. Ficken
Head Wind Promotes Skimming in Laughing Gulls. 223-225.
Jack P. Hailman, Jonathan R. Reed
A Lamp-Booth for Laboratory Use. 225-229.
Colleen Nelson

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