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The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 90, Number 3 (1978)

Wilson Bulletin
3 (September)


Autumn Bird Casualties at a Northwest Florida Tv Tower: 1973-1975. 335-345.
Robert L. Crawford
White Pelican Production and Survival of Young at Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge, North Dakota. 346-352.
Robert F. Johnson, Jr, Norman F. Sloan
Egg Volume As a Predictor of Hatchling Weight in the Brown-Headed Cowbird. 353-358.
Val Nolan Jr., Charles F. Thompson
Behavior and Sex Roles of Nesting Anhingas at San Blas, Mexico. 359-375.
Joanna Burger, Lynne M. Miller, D. Caldwell Hahn
Post-Fledging Behavior of Purple Martins. 376-385.
Charles R. Brown
Nesting Ecology of the Plain Chachalaca in South Texas. 386-395.
Wayne R. Marion, Raymond J. Fleetwood
Spatial Relationships in Perching Barn and Cliff Swallows. 396-403.
Anne E. Hutton
Populations of Bay-Breasted and Cape May Warblers During an Outbreak of the Spruce Budworm. 404-413.
Douglas H. Morse
Age and Foraging Ability Relationships of Olivaceous Cormorants. 414-422.
Michael L. Morrison, R. Douglas Slack, Edwin Shanley, Jr.
Analysis of Roosting Counts As an Index to Wood Duck Population Size. 423-437.
Delbert E. Parr, M. Douglas Scott
President's Page. 463.
Douglas James
Fifty Years of the Wilson Ornithological Society. 464-467.
Maurice Brooks
Ornithological Literature. 468-473.
Constitution and By-Laws of the Wilson Ornithological Society. 474-477.
Ornithological News. 478.

General Notes

Black Skimmer Abundance on the Louisiana-Mississippi-Alabama Coast. 438-441.
John W. Portnoy
Killdeer Breeding Densities. 442-443.
Terrence R. Mace
Brown Pelican Restocking Efforts in Louisiana. 443-445.
Stephen A. Nesbitt, Lovett E. Williams, Jr.,, Larry Mcnease, Ted Joanen
Notes on 2 Species of Birds Previously Unreported From Peru. 445-446.
Dan A. Tallman, Theodore A. Parker, Iii, Gary D. Lester, R. A. Hughes
Responses of Birds to a Snowstorm in the Andes of Southern Peru. 446-449.
John P. O'Neill, Theodore A. Parker, Iii
Cannibalism by an Adult Great Horned Owl. 449.
J. B. Millard, T. H. Craig, O. D. Markham
Caching Behavior of Screech Owls in Indiana. 450.
James B. Cope, John C. Barber
Attacks on Red-Headed Woodpeckers by Flycatchers. 450-451.
Roland R. Roth
An Analysis of Gila Woodpecker Vocalizations. 451-455.
Gene L. Brenowitz
An Aggressive Encounter Between a Pintail with a Brood and a Franklin Gull. 455.
George Hochbaum, Garth Ball
Canada Goose-Great Blue Heron-Great Itorned Owl Nesting Associations. 455-456.
Richard L. Knight, Albert W. Erickson
Giant Canada Goose Incubates Eggless Nest. 456-457.
Conrad A. Fjetland
Nesting Success and Nest Site Selection of Red-Winged Blackbirds in a Freshwater Swamp. 457-458.
Brent Ortego, Robert B. Hamilton
Extreme Nesting Dates for the Mourning Dove in Central Illinois. 458-460.
L. Barrie Hunt
A Volumetric Analysis of Sharp-Tailed Grouse Sperm in Relation to Dancing Ground Size and Organization. 460-462.
Wayne M. Nitchuk, Roger M. Evans

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