The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 90, Number 3 (1978)
Wilson Bulletin
3 (September)
- Autumn Bird Casualties at a Northwest Florida Tv Tower: 1973-1975. 335-345.
- Robert L. Crawford
- White Pelican Production and Survival of Young at Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge, North Dakota. 346-352.
- Robert F. Johnson, Jr, Norman F. Sloan
- Egg Volume As a Predictor of Hatchling Weight in the Brown-Headed Cowbird. 353-358.
- Val Nolan Jr., Charles F. Thompson
- Behavior and Sex Roles of Nesting Anhingas at San Blas, Mexico. 359-375.
- Joanna Burger, Lynne M. Miller, D. Caldwell Hahn
- Post-Fledging Behavior of Purple Martins. 376-385.
- Charles R. Brown
- Nesting Ecology of the Plain Chachalaca in South Texas. 386-395.
- Wayne R. Marion, Raymond J. Fleetwood
- Spatial Relationships in Perching Barn and Cliff Swallows. 396-403.
- Anne E. Hutton
- Populations of Bay-Breasted and Cape May Warblers During an Outbreak of the Spruce Budworm. 404-413.
- Douglas H. Morse
- Age and Foraging Ability Relationships of Olivaceous Cormorants. 414-422.
- Michael L. Morrison, R. Douglas Slack, Edwin Shanley, Jr.
- Analysis of Roosting Counts As an Index to Wood Duck Population Size. 423-437.
- Delbert E. Parr, M. Douglas Scott
- President's Page. 463.
- Douglas James
- Fifty Years of the Wilson Ornithological Society. 464-467.
- Maurice Brooks
- Ornithological Literature. 468-473.
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Wilson Ornithological Society. 474-477.
- Ornithological News. 478.
- Black Skimmer Abundance on the Louisiana-Mississippi-Alabama Coast. 438-441.
- John W. Portnoy
- Killdeer Breeding Densities. 442-443.
- Terrence R. Mace
- Brown Pelican Restocking Efforts in Louisiana. 443-445.
- Stephen A. Nesbitt, Lovett E. Williams, Jr.,, Larry Mcnease, Ted Joanen
- Notes on 2 Species of Birds Previously Unreported From Peru. 445-446.
- Dan A. Tallman, Theodore A. Parker, Iii, Gary D. Lester, R. A. Hughes
- Responses of Birds to a Snowstorm in the Andes of Southern Peru. 446-449.
- John P. O'Neill, Theodore A. Parker, Iii
- Cannibalism by an Adult Great Horned Owl. 449.
- J. B. Millard, T. H. Craig, O. D. Markham
- Caching Behavior of Screech Owls in Indiana. 450.
- James B. Cope, John C. Barber
- Attacks on Red-Headed Woodpeckers by Flycatchers. 450-451.
- Roland R. Roth
- An Analysis of Gila Woodpecker Vocalizations. 451-455.
- Gene L. Brenowitz
- An Aggressive Encounter Between a Pintail with a Brood and a Franklin Gull. 455.
- George Hochbaum, Garth Ball
- Canada Goose-Great Blue Heron-Great Itorned Owl Nesting Associations. 455-456.
- Richard L. Knight, Albert W. Erickson
- Giant Canada Goose Incubates Eggless Nest. 456-457.
- Conrad A. Fjetland
- Nesting Success and Nest Site Selection of Red-Winged Blackbirds in a Freshwater Swamp. 457-458.
- Brent Ortego, Robert B. Hamilton
- Extreme Nesting Dates for the Mourning Dove in Central Illinois. 458-460.
- L. Barrie Hunt
- A Volumetric Analysis of Sharp-Tailed Grouse Sperm in Relation to Dancing Ground Size and Organization. 460-462.
- Wayne M. Nitchuk, Roger M. Evans
General Notes
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