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The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 88, Number 4 (1976)

Wilson Bulletin
4 (December)


Behavioral Ecology of the Yucatan Jay. 529-554.
Ralph J. Raitt, John William Hardy
Host-Parasite Relationships of the Brown-Headed Cowbird in a Prairie Habitat of West-Central Kansas. 555-565.
Richard A. Hill
Breeding Biology and Parasitism in the Ruddy Duck. 566-574.
W. Roy Siegfried
Woodpecker Dependence on Trees Infected by Fungal Heart Rots. 575-581.
Richard N. Conner, Orson K. Miller, Jr.,, Curtis S. Adkisson
The Breeding Distribution of North American Migrant Birds: a Critique of Macarthur (1959). 582-587.
Mary F. Willson
Variation in Cadence of Field Sparrow Songs. 588-602.
Donald B. Heckenlively
Fall and Winter Roosting Habits of Carolina Chickadees. 603-610.
T. David Pitts
Comparative Nesting Biology of Some Hole-Nesting Birds in the Cariboo Parklands, British Columbia. 611-620.
Anthony J. Erskine, William D. Mclaren
Food Habits of Ring-Billed Gulls Breeding in the Great Lakes Region. 621-631.
William L. Jarvis, William E. Southern
Observations on the Breeding Biology of Black-Bellied Plovers on Devon Island, N.W.T., Canada. 632-653.
David J. T. Hussell, Gary W. Page
Request for Assistance. 676.
Ornithological Literature. 677-684.
Ornithological News. 685-687.
Proceedings of the Fifty-Seventh Annual Meeting. 688-698.
James Tate, Jr.
Index to Volume 88, 1976. 699-721.
D. Jean Tate

General Notes

Effects of a Severe Thunderstorm on Airborne Ducks. 654-656.
Roland R. Roth
Feeding Rhythm in Nestling White Ibis. 656-658.
James A. Kushlan
Observations of Swainson's Hawk Nesting in Northeastern Illinois. 658-659.
James R. Keir, Deann De La Ronde Wilde
Foods of 6 Fulvous Whistling Ducks in Coastal South Carolina. 659-660.
J. Larry Landers, A. Sydney Johnson
Some Effects of Human Activities on the Great Blue Heron in Oregon. 660-662.
David F. Werschkul, Ellen Mcmahon, Mary Leitschuh
Swimming by Bobwhite Chicks. 662.
Paul A. Stewart
Seasonal Variation in Foraging Territory of Red-Cockaded Woodpeckers. 662-665.
J. P. Skorupa, R. W. Mcfarlane
Choice of Nest Boxes by Starlings. 665-666.
Harry G. Lumsden
Wing-Flashing and Other Behavior of a Mockingbird Toward Its Dead Young. 666.
Walter Kingsley Taylor
Feeding of Nestlings by the Caracara in Costa Rica. 667.
Ann Reller Richmond
Unusually Large Vulture Roost in Virginia. 667-668.
Irvine D. Prather, Richard N. Conner, Curtis S. Adkisson
Prey Items of Goshawks in Southwestern New York. 669-670.
Joseph A. Grzybowski, Stephen W. Eaton
Extra-Parental Assistance by Male American Kestrel. 670.
William A. Wegner
Yellow-Crowned Night Herons Defecate, Disgorge Pellets on Shore. 670-671.
Hervey Brackbill
Mourning Dove, Common Grackle Cleaning Bills. 671.
Hervey Brackbill
Cliff Swallow Breeding in South-Central Florida. 671-672.
Paul W. Sykes, Jr.,
Minimum Temperature for Feeding by Purple Martins. 672-673.
Charles R. Brown
How Do Cowbirds Find and Select Nests to Parasitize?. 673-675.
Charles F. Thompson, Bradley M. Gottfried
White-Throated Swifts Following Farm Machinery. 675.
Stephen M. Alden, G. Scott Mills
Common Terns Feed on Mole Crabs. 675-676.
Helmut C. Mueller

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