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The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 86, Number 1 (1974)

Wilson Bulletin
1 (March)


Characteristics and Reproductive Biology of Grosbeaks (Pheucticus) in the Hybrid Zone in South Dakota. 1-11.
Bertin W. Anderson, Raymond J. Daugherty
The First Prebasic Molt of the Yellow-Breasted Chat. 12-15.
Allan R. Phillips
Egg-Neglect in the Wilson's Storm Petrel. 16-20.
Jaime E. Pefaur
Copulatory Behavior of Downy Woodpeckers. 23-34.
Lawrence Kilham
Play in Hairy, Downy, and Other Woodpeckers. 35-42.
Lawrence Kilham
Observations on the Horned Screamer. 43-50.
Frank B. Gill, F. J. Stokes, C. C. Stokes
Observations at a Carolina Wren Nest From Which Brown-Headed Cowbirds Fledged. 51-57.
Dorothy Hobson Luther
Notes on Birds of Costa Rica. 58-63.
Mercedes S. Foster, Ned K. Johnson
Plan to Attend the 1974 Annual Meeting. 64.
Ornithological News. 86.
The President's Page. 87.
Kenneth C. Parkes
Ornithological Literature. 88-96.

General Notes

First Record of Olivaceous Cormorants Nesting in New Mexico. 65.
Charles A. Hundertmark
Foot Injuries in Leach's Storm Petrels. 65-67.
William Threlfall
Snow Goose Soaring with White Pelicans. 67-68.
Patrick J. Caldwell, Bruce D. J. Batt
A Study of Mottled Duck Broods in the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge. 68-70.
Terry W. Johnson
Aerial Feeding by Snowy and Great Egrets in Louisiana Waters. 70-71.
James A. Rodgers Jr.
California Condor Specimens in Collections. 71-72.
Sanford R. Wilbur
Notes on Prey and Reproductive Biology of Harris' Hawk in Southeastern New Mexico. 72-74.
Peter H. Pache
American Kestrel Preys on Least Weasel. 74.
G. Scott Mills
Feeding Activities of Ospreys in Minnesota. 74-76.
Thomas C. Dunstan
Clapper Rail in Tamaulipas, Mexico. 76-77.
Richard C. Banks
A Possible Assist to a Hatching Chick by an Adult Whimbrel. 77-78.
Mary M. Tremaine
Sunbathing in the Streamertail Hummingbird. 78-79.
Charles F. Leck
Aberrations in the Tongue Structure of Some Melanerpine Woodpeckers. 79-82.
Robert A. Wallace
A Communal Common Raven Roost in Virginia. 82-83.
Vincent J. Lucid, Richard N. Conner
Predation on a Shrew by an Eastern Bluebird. 83.
Benedict C. Pinkowski
Mountain Bluebirds Nesting in North Dakota. 83-84.
Henry Kermott, Robert Fields, Alan Trout
Unusual Crepuscular Blackbird Movements. 84-85.
Allen R. Stickley, Jr., David E. Steffen
Common Grackles Preying on Fish. 85-86.
Tom Darden

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