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The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 80, Number 3 (1968)

Wilson Bulletin
3 (September)


Sexual Dimorphism in the Hudsonian Godwit. 251-252.
George Miksch Sutton
Comparative Adaptations of the Alaskan Redpolls to the Arctic Environment. 253-280.
William S. Brooks
Reallocation of the Eocene Fossil Palaeophasianus Meleagroides Shufeldt. 281-285.
Joel Cracraft
Reproductive Behavior of Hairy Woodpeckers Ii. Nesting and Habitat. 286-305.
Lawrence Kilham
Clutch Sizes, Hatchability Rates, and Sex Ratios of Sparrow Hawks in Eastern Pennsylvania. 306-311.
Donald S. Heintzelman, Alexander C. Nagy
Maintenance Behavior of the Common Rhea. 312-319.
Robert J. Raikow
Vegetation Used for Nesting by the Red-Winged Blackbird in Florida. 320-324.
Jacob F. Stowers, Donald T. Harke, Allen R. Stickley, Jr.
Ornithological Literature. 336-342.
Publication Notes and Notices. 343.
Ornithological News. 344.
Proceedings of the Forty-Ninth Annual Meeting. 345-355.
Jeff Swinebroad
The Wilson Ornithological Society, Officers and Committee. 356.
The Wilson Ornithological Society Membership Roll. 357-392.

General Notes

Additions to the List of Birds Recorded From Colombia. 325-326.
Alexander Wetmore
Copulatory Behavior of the Red-Necked Grebe on Open Water. 326-327.
James E. Hemming
Turkey Vultures Found to Feed on Coconut. 327-328.
Roger C. Crafts, Jr.,
The Egg Tooth of Some Charadriiform Birds. 328-330.
Joseph R. Jehl, Jr.,
Willet Nesting on Long Island, New York. 330.
Thomas H. Davis
The Varied Diet of the Gull-Billed Tern Includes a Shrub-Inhabiting Lizard. 330-331.
Sievert A. Rohwer, Glen E. Woolfenden
Phoebe Dividing Clutch Between Two Nests. 332-333.
N. Philip Ashmole
A Leucistic Pine Grosbeak. 333-334.
Dorothy E. Snyder
The Double-Scratch in the Genus Passerculus. 334-335.
Robert E. Gobeil

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