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The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 80, Number 1 (1968)

Wilson Bulletin
1 (March)


Summer Schedule and Breeding Biology of the White-Rumped Sandpiper in the Central Canadian Arctic. 5-29.
David F. Parmelee, Dale W. Greiner, Walter D. Graul
George Miksch Sutton. 30-35.
Andrew J. Berger
Nocturnal Migration in Illinois-Different Points of View. 36-71.
Richard R. Graber
Singing Behavior of the Swainson's Warbler. 72-77.
Brooke Meanley
Ecological Aspects of Ducks Nesting in High Densities Among Larids. 78-83.
Kees Vermeer
The Cowbirds of Otter Lake. 84-93.
Daniel S. Mcgeen, Jean J. Mcgeen
Notes on the Red Rail (Laterallus Ruber). 94-99.
Robert W. Dickerman
The President's Page. 110.
Aaron M. Bagg
Ornithological News. 111.
Letter to the Editor. 112-113.
Ornithological Literature. 114-120.

General Notes

Some Bird Records From Western Pennsylvania. 100-102.
Kenneth C. Parkes
Two Female Mallards Incubating on One Nest. 102.
Harold F. Duebbert
A Swallow-Tailed Kite in Trans-Pecos Texas. 102-103.
R. Joy Johnson, Janet E. Johnson
Osprey Carrying Bird. 103.
Charles Sindelar, Errol Schluter
Turkey Nesting Behavior. 103-104.
Robert W. Donohoe, Charley E. Mckibben, Charles B. Lowry
Incubation Period of the Spotted Sandpiper. 104-105.
Joanna Burger
Reaction of Mourning Doves to Cowbird Eggs. 105.
Larry C. Holcomb
Age of a Female Amazona Festiva at Sexual Maturity. 106.
Lawrence E. Licht
Budgerigars Are Not Determinate Egg-Layers. 106-107.
Barbara F. Brockway
A Territorial Encounter Between Screech Owls. 107.
Scott C. Rea
Radiosensitivity of Song Sparrows and Slate-Colored Juncos. 108-109.
Franklin W. Sturges

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