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The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 78, Number 4 (1966)

Wilson Bulletin
4 (December)


Characteristics of Egg-Laying and Eggs of Yearling Pheasants. 379-399.
Ronald F. Labisky, Gary L. Jackson
Weather and Late Spring Migration of Birds Into Southern Ontario. 400-414.
W. Joan Richardson
A Study of Autumnal Postmigrant Weights and Vernal Fattening of North American Migrants in the Tropics. 415-433.
David T. Rogers, Jr., Eugene P. Odum
The Influence of Light Intensity on Oviposition of the Coturnix Quail. 434-443.
Howard L. Hosick
The Context of Songs in the Yellow Warbler. 444-455.
Douglass H. Morse
An Analysis of Winter Bird-Population Studies. 456-461.
J. Dan. Webster
External Parasites of the Black-Bellied Tree Duck and Other Dendrocygnids. 462-468.
Burruss Mcdaniel, Donald Tuff, Eric Bolen
Annual Report of the Conservation Committee. 477-479.
Roland C. Clement
The President's Page. 480.
Ornithological News. 481.
Ornithological Literature. 482-490.
Index to Volume 78, 1966. 491-502.
Mildred Stewart

General Notes

Head-Scratching Behavior of Some Hand-Raised Birds. 469.
Andrew J. Berger
Rough-Legged Hawk Catches Fish. 470.
Helmut C. Mueller, Nancy S. Mueller, Robert W. Mueller
Osprey Nesting Survey. 470.
Channing R. Kury
Apparent Lead Poisoning in a Wild Bobwhite. 471-472.
Ronald L. Westemeier
Ring-Necked Pheasant Moves Newly Hatched Young. 472.
Walter P. Nickell
Ring-Necked Pheasants Hatch in Nest of Blue-Winged Teal. 472-474.
Walter P. Nickell
Tufted Titmouse Destroys Bagworms. 474.
Henry Harford
Melanism in the Ovenbird. 474-475.
Wesley E. Lanyon
Bachman's Sparrow in Oklahoma. 475.
William A. Carter

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