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The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 78, Number 1 (1966)

Wilson Bulletin
1 (March)


Recent Records of Birds in Trinidad and Tobago. 5-11.
Richard P. Ffrench, Margaret Ffrench
Island Nesting of the Gadwall in North Dakota. 12-25.
Harold F. Duebbert
A Comparison of the Species Composition of Two Tv Tower Killed Samples From the Same Night of Migration. 26-30.
Charles A. Kemper, Dennis G. Raveling, Dwain W. Warner
Summer Biology of Traill's Flycatcher. 31-46.
Lawrence H. Walkinshaw
Behavior of Young Cactus Wrens and Curve-Billed Thrashers. 47-56.
Robert E. Ricklefs
The Development of Grasping and Balancing Coordination in Nestlings of Seven Species of Altricial Birds. 57-63.
Larry C. Holcomb
The Manner of Feeding Fledgling Woodpeckers. 64-67.
Amelia R. Laskey
Maintenance Activities of the Rose-Breasted Grosbeak. 68-78.
David W. Dunham
Hawk Migration Over the Western Tip of Lake Superior. 79-87.
P. B. Hofslund
The Spring Hawk Migration Around the Southeastern Shore of Lake Ontario. 88-110.
John R. Haugh, Tom J. Cade
Letter to the Editor. 110.
Energy and Nutrient Requirements of the Red-Winged Blackbird. 111-120.
Fred J. Brenner
Ornithological News. 132.
Ornithological Literature. 133-135.
The North American Nest-Record Card Program for 1966. 136.

General Notes

The Cattle Egret on the Pacific Coast of Chiapas, Mexico. 121.
John P. Hubbard
Behavior of Barrow's Goldeneye in Wyoming. 121-122.
Walter P. Nickell
Migration of Rough-Legged Hawks Over Lake Erie. 122.
Joseph P. Kleiman
Common Terns Nest on Muskrat Lodges and Floating Cattail Mats. 123-124.
Walter P. Nickell
Observations on a Captive Northern Phalarope. 124-125.
Sanford R. Leffler
Comparison of the Sexual Responses of Common Grackles to Normal Females and to Mounts of Soliciting Females. 125-126.
Robert W. Ficken
Dickcissel in Utah. 126.
Herbert H. Frost
A Partly Chestnut Specimen of Variable Seedeater. 127.
Storrs L. Olson
Erythristic Eggs. 127-128.
Alfred O. Gross
A New Subspecies of the Boat-Tailed Grackle From Mexico. 129-131.
Robert W. Dickerman, Allan R. Phillips

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