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The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 77, Number 4 (1965)

Wilson Bulletin
4 (December)


A Breeding and Migration Survey of the Peregrine Falcon. 327-339.
James H. Enderson
Relations Between Raptors and Columbiform Birds at a Desert Water Hole. 340-345.
Tom J. Cade
Cliff-Nesting Adaptations of the Galapagos Swallow-Tailed Gull. 346-362.
Jack P. Hailman
Comparative Ethology of the Chestnut-Sided Warbler, Yellow Warbler, and American Redstart. 363-375.
Millicent S. Ficken, Robert W. Ficken
Behavioral Aspects of Habitat Selection: a Preliminary Report on Stereotypy in Foliage Preferences of Birds. 376-381.
Peter H. Klopfer
Behavior of the Tufted Titmouse Before and During the Nesting Season. 382-387.
George C. Offutt
Metabolism and Survival Time of Grouped Starlings at Various Temperatures. 388-395.
Fred J. Brenner
Adaptive Behavior Under Handicaps of Several Species of Michigan Birds. 396-400.
Walter P. Nickell
A Critique Concerning Foreign Game Bird Introductions. 409-414.
Gordon W. Gullion
Ornithological News. 415.
Letter to the Editor. 416.
Ornithological Literature. 417-421.
Index to Volume 77, 1965. 422-431.
Mildred Stewart

General Notes

Sight Record of the Scarlet Ibis for Alabama. 401.
Rosemary T. Dusi
Osprey Preys on Turtle. 401-402.
Sergej Postupalsky, Joseph P. Kleiman
Ring-Billed Gulls Gorge on Fiddler Crabs. 402-403.
Andrew J. Meyerriecks
Intraspecific Relationship in Red-Shafted Flickers. 404.
Roland H. Wauer
A Melanistic Pileated Woodpecker Specimen From Georgia. 404-405.
Lester L. Short, Jr.,
Duet Singing in the Carolina Wren. 405.
James B. Shuler
Bluebirds Feeding Mockingbird Nestlings. 405-407.
Thomas Carr, Coleman J. Goin, Jr.,
Some Records of North American Migrants in Ecuador. 407.
Henry M. Stevenson
Birds Develop a Taste for Sugar. 408.
Margaret H. Hundley, C. Russell Mason

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