The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 70, Number 2 (1958)
Wilson Bulletin
2 (June)
- Sealed-In Winter Stores of Red-Headed Woodpeckers. 107-113.
- Lawrence Kilham
- Weights and Weight Variations in Summer Birds From Georgia and South Carolina. 114-129.
- Robert A. Norris, David W. Johnston
- A Nesting of the Acadian Flycatcher. 130-144.
- Donald L. Newman
- Food Intake and Pellet Formation of a Horned Owl. 145-150.
- Walter E. Howard
- Acoustic Evidence of Relationship in North American Crows. 151-167.
- L. Irby Davis
- The Nesting of the Canada Goose at Dog Lake, Manitoba. 168-183.
- Robert B. Klopman
- Locomotion of Wood Ducks. 184-187.
- Paul A. Stewart
- Wilson Ornithological Society News. 203.
- The Josselyn Van Tyne Memorial Library. 204.
- Ornithological Literature. 205-208.
- Notes on Movements, Territory, and Habitat of Wintering Saw-Whet Owls. 188-191.
- Russell E. Mumford, Richard L. Zusi
- Sex Ratios of Wintering Scaups in Long Island Sound. 191-192.
- John M. Cronan
- Chimney Swift Nesting in an Abandoned Pileated Woodpecker Hole. 192.
- P. B. Hofslund
- House Wren Attempts Incubation in Two Nests Simultaneously. 193-194.
- F. W. Preston
- Cedar Waxwings and Fox Sparrows Feed Upon Multiflora Rose. 194-195.
- Frederick C. Schmid
- Nesting of the Black-Backed Three-Toed Woodpecker in Michigan. 195-196.
- Harold Mayfield
- American Avocet in Michigan. 196.
- Robert P. Kirby
- Record of the Knot in Texas. 197.
- Max Thompson
- Bird Fossils From the Late Pleistocene of Kansas. 197-199.
- Peter Stettenheim
- New Records of the Nashville Warbler in Colorado. 199.
- Joseph C. Daniel, Jr., Robert M. Armagast, Julia W. Armagast
- Notes on Pre-Copulatory Display in the Starling. 199-201.
- Jack P. Hailman
- Black-Crowned Night Herons Using Bill Motion to Lure Prey. 201-202.
- Howard Drinkwater
General Notes
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