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The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 69, Number 2 (1957)

Wilson Bulletin
2 (June)


The Systematics and Biology of the Singing Quail, Dactylortyx Thoracicus. 123-148.
Dwain W. Warner, Byron E. Harrell
The Body Temperature of the American Kestrel, Falco Sparverius. 149-154.
George A. Bartholomew, Tom J. Cade
Notes on Fall Plumages, Weights, and Fat Condition in the Ruby-Throated Hummingbird. 155-163.
Robert A. Norris, Clyde E. Connell, David W. Johnston
Some Avian Flyways of Western America. 164-169.
Loye Miller
Footedness in Domestic Pigeons. 170-178.
Harvey I. Fisher
Ornithological Literature. 189-191.

General Notes

Lark Sparrow Oiling Its Tarsi. 179-180.
Lovie M. Whitaker
Feeding Behavior of Red-Tailed Hawks. 180-181.
Alice D. Miller
Specimens of Three Birds Uncommon in New Jersey. 181-182.
Glen E. Woolfenden
Ring-Billed Gull Steals Food From Coot. 182.
L. M. Bartlett
Yellow-Headed Blackbird Nesting in Michigan. 183.
Lawrence H. Walkinshaw, William A. Dyer, W. Powell Cottrille, Betty Darling Cottrille
Nesting of the Bahaman Yellowthroat. 183.
F. M. Collett
Mourning Dove Nestlings Infested with Larvae of Philornis. 183-184.
Leslie L. Glascow, Robert Henson
Bunching Reaction of Cedar Waxwings to Attacks by a Cooper's Hawk. 184.
Andrew J. Meyerriecks
Louisiana Heron Breeds in New York City. 184-185.
Andrew J. Meyerriecks
Observations on Three Albino American Robins. 185-186.
Ralph W. Dexter
Sanderlings Eat Fishermen's Bait Minnows. 186-187.
A. L. Rand
Anting by Two Tanagers in Brazil. 187-188.
Helmut Sick

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