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The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 66, Number 1 (1954)

Wilson Bulletin
1 (March)


The Lineated Woodpecker. 5.
Richard R. Graber
The Oil Gland of Birds. 6-31.
William H. Elder
A Nesting Study of Red Crossbills. 32-37.
Dorothy E. Snyder
Birds and Biogeography of the Sierra De Tamaulipas, an Isolated Pine-Oak Habitat. 38-57.
Paul S. Martin, C. Richard Robins, William B. Heed
Seventy-First Meeting of A.O.U.. 74.
Albert Wolfson
Distribution of Membership. 74.
Letter to the Editor. 74.
Ornithological Literature. 75-78.

General Notes

Baird's Sparrow in Oklahoma. 58.
Richard Graber, Jean Graber
Nest-Building Behavior of the Carolina Wren. 59.
Coleman J., Olive B. Goin
Notes on Some Birds of Yellowstone National Park. 60.
Richard C. Rosche
Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker on Anegada, British West Indies. 61.
George A. Seaman
Injury-Feigning by the Catbird. 61.
Andrew J. Berger
Brewer's Blackbird Nesting in Indiana. 61-63.
Russell E. Mumford
Wintering Blue and Snow Geese in Northern Alabama. 63-64.
Thomas Z. Atkeson
Courtship Behavior of the Pied-Billed Grebe. 65.
Lawrence Kilham
Blue Jays Feed Tent Caterpillar Pupae to Nestlings. 65-66.
Amelia R. Laskey
The Cause of Partial Albinism in a Great-Tailed Grackle. 66.
Allan R. Phillips
Notes on the Nesting of the Cayenne Swift in Surinam. 67-69.
F. Haverschmidt
Two Mallard Ducks Caring for the Same Brood. 69-70.
Arthur E. Staebler
Robins Eating Minnows. 70.
James B. Hale
Reddish Egret and White Pelicans in Northwestern Pennsylvania. 70-71.
John F. Mehner
Incubation Period of the Mourning Warbler. 71.
P. B. Hofslund
An Unusually High Nest of the Yellow Warbler. 71-72.
Douglas S. Middleton
Cannibalism by a Burrowing Owl. 72.
Thane S. Robinson
Western Records of Chaetura Vauxi Tamaulipensis. 72-73.
Allan R. Phillips

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