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The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 65, Number 4 (1953)

Wilson Bulletin
4 (December)


Muskeg As Sharp-Tailed Grouse Habitat. 235-241.
Harold C. Hanson
Notes on the Life History of the Black-Crested Ant Shrike in Surinam. 242-251.
F. Haverschmidt
The Wilson Ornithological Club Library. 251.
The Birds of Calicoan, Philippine Islands. 252-270.
Nathan S. Potter, Iii
The Analysis of Bird Songs by Means of a Vibralyzer. 271-276.
Donald J. Borror, Carl R. Reese
Editorial. 281.
Ornithological Literature. 282-284.
Index to Volume 65, 1953. 285-294.
Jane S. Mengel

General Notes

The Carolina Chickadee in Kansas. 277.
Alexander Wetmore, George Miksch Sutton
Nesting of the White-Throated Sparrow in West Virginia. 277-279.
Albert F. Ganier
Unintentional Live-Trap for American Mergansers. 279.
William D. Dugan
Casting of a Pileated Woodpeeker. 280.
Eleanor E. Dater
Five Nestings of a Pair of Captive Mourning Doves. 280.
L. S. Putnam, C. E. Knoder

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