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The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 65, Number 3 (1953)

Wilson Bulletin
3 (September)


Protective Coloration in the American Sparrow Hawk. 129-134.
William M. Clay
Notes on the Nesting Behavior of the Blackburnian Warbler. 135-144.
Louise De, Kiriline Lawrence
On the Name of the Northern Bald Eagle and the Identity of Audubon's Gigantic Bird of Washington. 145-151.
Robert M. Mengel
Life-History of the Prothonotary Warbler. 152-168.
Lawrence H. Walkinshaw
Wood Warblers Wintering in Cuba. 169-174.
Stephen W. Eaton
Winter Distribution of Robins East of the Rocky Mountains. 175-183.
J. Murray Speirs
Effect of Weather on Spring Bird Migration in Northern Alabama. 184-195.
Thomas A. Imhof
Editorial. 214.
Ornithological Literature. 215-220.
Letting Uncle Sam Do It. 221-222.
Charles M. Kirkpatrick, William H. Elder
Wilson Ornithological Club Library. 223-224.
Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth Annual Meeting. 225-232.
Phillips B. Street

General Notes

Fresh-Water Mollusks Fed to Young Tree Swallows. 196.
Mary-Elizabeth Whelan
Identification of Songbird Nests by Reclaimed Eggshell Fragments. 196.
Joseph C. Rieffenberger
Barrow's Golden-Eye Using Crow Nests in British Columbia. 197-198.
R. Y. Edwards
Siskin and Goldfinch Feeding at Sapsucker Tree. 198.
H. Lewis Batts, Jr.
Warblers, Hummingbird, and Sapsucker Feeding on Sap of Yellow Birch. 198.
Lawrence Kilham
An Apparently Hybrid Golden-Eye. 199.
L. L. Snyder
Another American Rough-Legged Hawk in Florida. 199-200.
Richard A. Herbert, Kathleen Green Skelton
Bird Notes From the Grand Prairie of Arkansas. 200-201.
Brooke Meanley, Johnson A. Neff
Groove-Billed Ani in Oklahoma. 202.
Glenn E. Jones
Groove-Billed Ani in Great Plains in 1952. 202-203.
Harrison B. Tordoff
The Voice of the Grand Potoo. 203.
Helmut Sick
Incubation and Nesting Behavior of the Chuck-Will's-Widow. 204-205.
Sally F. Hoyt
Red Phalarope in Utah. 205.
George W. Sciple
Further Evidence of the Homing Ability of the Cowbird. 206-207.
Mrs. Alice D. Miller
Screech Owl Observed Bathing. 207.
Walter R. Crowe
Ivory Gulls in Western Lake Ontario. 207.
Eric Walter Bastin
Cassin's Sparrow in Cleveland County, Oklahoma. 208.
Jean W. Graber
Red Crossbill in Oklahoma. 208-209.
Richard R. Graber
Sharp-Tailed Sparrow in Oklahoma. 209.
Richard R. Graber
Ring-Billed Gulls Stealing Fish From Female American Mergansers. 210-211.
Donald Lamore
Whooping Cranes in Kansas in 1952. 211.
Thane S. Robinson
Cinnamon Teal and Avocets in Florida. 211-212.
Dale W. Rice, Edward L. Mockford
Smith's Longspur: an Addition to the Louisiana List. 212.
Horace H. Jeter
Direct Observation of the Flight Speed of the Common Loon. 213.
James A. Pittman

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