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The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 63, Number 3 (1951)

Wilson Bulletin
3 (September)


The President's Page. 142.
Maurice Brooks
Notes and Observations on the Wilson's Warbler. 143-148.
Hal H. Harrison
Food Habits of the Barred Dove in Hawaii. 149-156.
Charles W. Schwartz, Elizabeth Reeder Schwartz
The Frontal Shield of the American Coot. 157-166.
Gordon W. Gullion
Nesting of the Marsh Hawk at Delta, Manitoba. 167-176.
William Robert Hecht
A Late Summer Nest of the Red Crossbill in Colorado. 177-180.
Dana P. Snyder, J. Frank Cassel
Northern Birds Summering in Panama. 181-185.
Eugene Eisenmann
Ten Consecutive Nests of a Song Sparrow. 186-188.
Andrew J. Berger
Remarks on the Philippine Mallard. 189-191.
S. Dillon Ripley
A Review of the Races of the Traill's Flycatcher. 192-197.
John W. Aldrich
Editorial. 210-212.
Ornithological Literature. 213-218.
Intergeneric Galliform Hybrids: a Review. 219-224.
Tony J. Peterle
A Serious Problem in Conservation. 224-225.
Robert A. Mccabe
Wilson Ornithological Club Library. 226.
Proceedings of the Thirty-Second Annual Meeting. 227-232.
Harold Mayfield

General Notes

Flight Speed of Common Loon (Gavia Immer). 198.
F. W. Preston
Present Size of the Everglade Kite Population at Lake Okeechobee, Florida. 198-199.
Kathleen Green Skelton
Amphibians and Snakes As Ruffed Grouse Food. 200-201.
James B. Hale, Robert F. Wendt
Barn Owl in Montana. 201.
Robert L. Eng
A Nest of Chaetura Vauxi Richmondi in Central Honduras. 201-202.
J. C. Dickinson, Jr.
A Yellow-Shafted Flicker's Odd Accident. 202-203.
J. J. Murray
Red-Headed Woodpecker with Malformed Bill. 203.
Scott Searles, Emma U. Searles
Vermilion Flycatcher in Arkansas Rice District. 203-204.
Brooke Meanley
Vermilion Flycatcher on East Coast of Florida. 204.
Russell E. Mumford
Wing-Flashing by Male Mockingbirds. 204-206.
Hervey Brackbill
Black-Throated Gray Warbler in Ohio. 206.
Edward S. Thomas
Audubon on Territory. 206.
Francis H. Allen
Nest Location, Cowbird Parasitism, and Nesting Success of the Indigo Bunting. 206-207.
Richard S. Phillips
Observations on Fish-Eating by the Great-Tailed Grackle in Southeastern Arizona. 207-208.
Robert Rush Miller, Howard Elliott Winn
A Flight-Song of Bachman's Sparrow. 208-209.
Robert M. Mengel

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